Faith and Miracles: Experiencing the Divine Presence

In the modern world, where scientific evidence often takes center stage, deep faith remains an intrinsic part of human existence. Many feel the presence of God and Jesus through personal experience, when love and awe fill the heart, providing a sense of care and the unwavering presence of a higher power. It is this inner experience that demonstrates that faith is not merely a set of beliefs, but a living connection with the Divine, manifesting itself in love and reverence long before we begin to analyze its essence rationally.

A special place in this narrative is occupied by the event of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. It is perceived not as an ancient story, but as a vivid and life-affirming testimony to God’s power, confirming the unique nature of the Son of God. Many are convinced that through this supernatural act, a force capable not only of reviving but also transforming the life of every believer has been revealed. The resurrection underscores that the foundation of biblical teachings is more than a historical fact—it is a powerful truth based on numerous testimonies and deep personal experiences.

Thus, faith in God and Jesus acquires its true meaning through emotional experience and the wisdom of testimonies that affirm miracles are possible even today. This unique combination of personal experience and historical authenticity not only reinforces biblical teachings but also inspires the pursuit of inner harmony and truth, transforming the hearts and minds of people all around the world.

Why do people believe in God and Jesus, and what evidence could confirm the truth of biblical teachings?

The answer can be formulated as follows. Firstly, people believe in God and Jesus because a deep faith awakens within each individual, expressed through love, awe, and the assurance of the presence of a higher power. As stated in one source, “to believe in God means to love Him and, along with love, experience fear of Him. Love for Him begins long before knowing Him, and if we love Him, eventually we will see and reveal Him in everything...” (source: link ). In other words, faith finds its meaning through personal experience and the inner perception of God, who manifests in people through love and compassion.

Secondly, one of the central pieces of evidence for the truth of biblical teachings is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As emphasized in another excerpt: “One person can resurrect another; such cases do occur: holy prophets resurrected the dead, and now even doctors can resuscitate those who have just died—a few moments ago—though not everyone, only those whom the Lord permits. But only God can resurrect Himself. Therefore, the most important testimony that Jesus Christ is not a mere man, but a Divine Person, is that He has risen. That is why the Lord insisted on this. ‘You are witnesses to this...’” (source: link ). Here, the unique power of the Lord is highlighted through the resurrection, serving as the central fact confirming the divine nature of Jesus and, by extension, the truth of the Bible’s teachings.

Finally, many believers reject explanations based solely on dry historical or scientific data, because what matters most to them is the inner experience—confirmed not only by eyewitness accounts but also by the personal transformation that comes from embracing the teaching. As noted: “Unbelievers do not understand that Jesus is not merely a human being, but the Son of God, and, while reading the Gospel, they think: ‘this appears to be true, while that is fabricated. Every claim requires a witness. If a judge wants to be sure that an event truly occurred, he invites witnesses...’” (source: link ). Thus, the multitude and consistency of testimonies form the basis for affirming the truth of biblical teachings.

In summary, faith in God and Jesus is founded both on deeply personal, emotional experiences and on testimonies of supernatural events, such as the resurrection of Christ, which is regarded as evidence of unique Divine power and the truth of the Bible.

Supporting citation(s):
"Calling out to You, Lord, my faith, which You have given me, which You breathed into me through Your Incarnate Son... To believe in God means to love Him and, along with love, experience fear of Him." (source: link )

"One person can resurrect another; such cases do occur... But only God can resurrect Himself. Therefore, the most important testimony that Jesus Christ is not a man, but a Divine Person, is that He has risen." (source: link )

"Unbelievers do not understand that Jesus is not merely a human being, but the Son of God, and, reading the Gospel, they think: 'this appears to be true, while that is fabricated. Every claim requires a witness.'" (source: link )