Shifting Roles: Redefining Male Identity in the Age of Empowered Women

In modern society, an interesting dynamic is observed where women, endowed with independence, leadership qualities, and professional success, become a source of inner discomfort for men raised under traditional social expectations. In the past, the male role was seen as the center of stability and a bastion of strength, while the woman was regarded as the keeper of the family hearth and the leader’s assistant. Today, as women actively take the initiative and establish themselves as strong professionals, this outdated worldview is beginning to crumble, triggering in some men a sense of threat and insecurity about their own significance.

This process can be viewed as an inevitable reflection of social changes, where traditional family and religious values give way to new norms that allow space for individual self-realization. Such shifts necessitate a rethinking not only of women's roles but also of men's identities, as they must adapt to new realities and find a balance between time-honored expectations and modern ambitions. Despite the challenge posed by confident, self-assured women, this transformation opens up opportunities for the growth and evolution of male identity, contributing to the emergence of true leaders of a new era.

This evolution is not a negative process but rather an invitation to dialogue, reevaluation, and mutual support in the pursuit of harmonious cooperation. Modern reality demands flexibility, courage, and a willingness to embrace change, so that together we can create a society where everyone is able to realize their full potential.
Why do some men experience discomfort towards strong, successful women?
Some men experience discomfort towards strong, successful women because such women challenge traditional ideas about the roles of both men and women. Historically, it has been assumed that a man should be the head of the family, its pillar and leader, while the woman is meant to support his authority and act in a subordinate role. When women in modern culture demonstrate independence, leadership, and professional success, many men may perceive this as a threat to their traditionally assigned social role or even as an indication of personal insecurity.

For example, one source notes:
"Universal emancipation has given rise to the cult of the 'strong woman'—an Amazon of sorts—and this has led to the fact that there are very few truly strong men left. The male gender has diminished. For being strong next to a powerful, independent, strong-willed woman is extremely challenging; the bar is set very high." (source: 1793_8961.txt)

This perception is further reinforced by the idea that traditional family and religious norms assign a subordinate role to the woman. One text states:
"Therefore, each of us must acknowledge this, and everything that contradicts God's plan for us must be banished from our hearts. ... And what is God's commandment? 'The wife should fear her husband.' The husband is the head of the home church, and the wife must obey her husband in everything." (source: 9_42.txt)

Thus, men brought up within these traditional norms may feel inner turmoil when they encounter women who refuse to adhere to established roles. The discomfort arises as an emotional response to the shift in familiar social and family dynamics, where a woman occupies a position that was once reserved exclusively for male influence and power.

Supporting citation(s):
"Universal emancipation has given rise to the cult of the 'strong woman'—an Amazon of sorts—and this has led to the fact that there are very few truly strong men left. The male gender has diminished. For being strong next to a powerful, independent, strong-willed woman is extremely challenging; the bar is set very high." (source: 1793_8961.txt)

"Therefore, each of us must acknowledge this, and everything that contradicts God's plan for us must be banished from our hearts. ... And what is God's commandment? 'The wife should fear her husband.' The husband is the head of the home church, and the wife must obey her husband in everything." (source: 9_42.txt)

The Subtle Art of Accepting Small Quirks

In the early stages of a relationship, every seemingly insignificant trait of a partner can turn into a source of conflict if someone tries to change it forcefully. Imagine a situation: one habit – quickly finishing a bowl of soup – becomes a pretext for constant reproaches and “corrective” efforts aimed at changing the partner. Although the behavior itself is neutral, attempts to “fix” it create an atmosphere of control and pressure, which gradually leads to irritation and even dislike. It is important to understand that the little quirks make us unique, and mutual respect and acceptance of each other’s peculiarities are the keys to harmonious relationships. Ultimately, if we strive to change the other, we risk losing that genuine connection that should be built on trust and support.

Which partner’s habit is the most irritating in the early stages of a relationship and why?

In the early stages of a relationship, even habits that might seem insignificant at first glance can cause irritation if they are met with an intention to change the person. In particular, one of the cited texts notes that even such a neutral trait as the speed at which a person finishes a bowl of soup can be irritating. This “habit” in itself may not be fundamentally significant, but attempts to force a change lead to “corrective” work, resulting in a buildup of irritation that might even turn into dislike towards the one attempting to enforce change.

Supporting citation(s):
"But, unfortunately, even completely neutral traits, such as the speed at which a person finishes a bowl of soup, are not accepted. This circumstance apparently does not have any fundamental importance, so is there any sense in these nitpicking habits? After all, even if the desired change is achieved from the partner, the side effect and the very strong consequence of all this ‘corrective’ work will be irritation towards the ‘corrector,’ and sometimes even hatred towards him." (source: 1345_6720.txt)

Balancing Dignity and Freedom: The Essence of True Self-Respect

In today's world, where personal goals and ambitions sometimes overshadow fundamental values, it is important to remember that true self-respect is not about demonstrating power over others, but rather stems from taking care of one’s own well-being and upholding high moral principles. Self-respect begins with the ability to value both one’s body and soul, as well as with the refusal to engage in self-destructive actions such as drug addiction or alcoholism. These are not merely words—they serve as a guide for action and remind us that every person has an inalienable right to live with dignity.

When it comes to limiting someone else’s freedom, any intervention carried out solely for the purpose of affirming one’s own significance contradicts the norms of mutual respect and responsibility. Restrictions may only be justified when they arise from a commitment to protect the common good and adhere to moral standards, rather than from personal ambitions.

Thus, true self-respect is manifested in showing respect for others and in making honest, conscious choices that honor the value and inviolability of each person’s freedom. This is a reminder that the real moral law is the harmony between personal dignity and the welfare of society.

Can one demonstrate self-respect by temporarily restricting another person’s freedom?

The answer to this question requires understanding that true self-respect is built not on exerting power over others, but on retaining one’s own dignity and acting according to moral principles. As noted in one of the sources:

“The foundation of ethics is respect: for oneself, for others, for the surrounding world, and for circumstances. To respect a person means to consider them important, significant, and honorable. Self-respect requires treating one’s life, body, and soul as something valuable. To respect oneself is to avoid actions that are self-destructive. The scourges of modern life—drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution—are the result of a person’s lack of self-respect.” (source: 1351_6753.txt, page: 1)

This excerpt shows that self-respect is connected with caring for one’s own well-being and avoiding self-destructive behaviors, but it is not achieved by causing harm to others.

Furthermore, it is important to note that limiting another person’s freedom is not considered a legitimate action if it is done solely to assert one’s own significance. Another source states:

“If one person’s freedom is restricted by the freedom of their neighbor, who can freely cut them down or chain them at his whim, then this is not called a right at all…” (source: 1259_6294.txt, page: 2)

This statement emphasizes that arbitrarily restricting someone’s freedom—especially when driven by selfish or arbitrary motives—loses its legitimacy as an action justified by moral or legal norms.

Moreover, a material limitation of will can only be justified when it is grounded in moral principles and aimed at the common good:

“If the act of will of one person breaks out of the boundaries of rights and free choice, true freedom cannot be achieved. Restriction of one’s will can be reasonable if it follows moral principles. Restricting freedom must go hand in hand with the maintenance of the common good.” (source: 1259_6294.txt, page: 4)

Thus, temporarily restricting another person’s freedom solely to display one’s own dignity or to demonstrate “self-respect” contradicts these principles. True self-respect implies treating others with respect—not using limitations on their freedom as a means to validate one’s own worth. Any restriction of another’s freedom can only be justified under narrowly defined moral or legal conditions aimed at protecting the common good, and it should never serve as a measure of personal dignity.

Therefore, the answer is: No, one cannot demonstrate self-respect by temporarily restricting another person’s freedom, because doing so contradicts the principles of mutual respect and moral responsibility.

Supporting citation(s):
“The foundation of ethics is respect: for oneself, for others, for the surrounding world, and for circumstances. To respect a person means to consider them important, significant, and honorable. Self-respect requires treating one’s life, body, and soul as something valuable. To respect oneself is to avoid self-destructive actions. The scourges of modern life—drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution—are the result of a person’s lack of self-respect.” (source: 1351_6753.txt, page: 1)

“If one person’s freedom is restricted by the freedom of their neighbor, who can freely cut them down or chain them at his whim, then this is not called a right at all…” (source: 1259_6294.txt, page: 2)

“If the act of will of one person breaks out of the boundaries of rights and free choice, true freedom cannot be achieved. Restriction of one’s will can be reasonable if it follows moral principles. Restricting freedom must go hand in hand with the maintenance of the common good.” (source: 1259_6294.txt, page: 4)

Cultivating Warmth and Connection Through Genuine Expression

In relationships, it often turns out that even small tokens of affection can work wonders. When one partner lacks emotional openness, it is worth starting with simple yet effective steps—a casual smile or warm gaze can radically change the atmosphere of interaction. Such nonverbal contact helps break down barriers, creating a sense of security and mutual support.

The main emphasis here is on the ability to be oneself without excessive restraint of emotions. Instead of hiding your feelings, it is important to give them space, showing your partner that you are truly available for connection. This approach not only promotes better mutual understanding but also fosters a trusting and open environment, where both individuals feel that a real person is present, ready to share their inner experiences.

Thus, by focusing on sincere gestures, such as a smile, and expressing our emotions without unnecessary self-control, we contribute to creating a vibrant, positive bond in relationships. This method not only helps dissolve emotional dryness but also fills both partners’ lives with warmth and support.

What measures can be taken if a man lacks emotional warmth in a relationship?

In relationships, if a man lacks emotional warmth, several specific measures can be recommended to increase openness and accessibility to the partner. For example, even a simple display of nonverbal warmth—such as a smile—can significantly change the atmosphere of communication. As one source states:
"One can simply smile. When no one smiled at a person, and everyone wore masks—heartfelt relationships in society are not accepted, everything becomes merely functional—suddenly a person is smiled at. All the harsh, dry aspects are not life; it is the soft, tender, flowing life that matters. Look at a dry tree and what happens to it when a wild storm with heavy rain strikes. It breaks. But that tree will stand firm when it is alive." (source: 1078_5389.txt)

In addition, it is important not to hide one’s true feelings but to be open to expressing emotions. Avoiding excessive self-control and making an effort to present a face and manner that is inviting will help the partner feel that you are truly available and ready for contact. As noted in another review:
"If a person, looking in the mirror, sees a face that, while perhaps not traditionally beautiful, is still inviting, then those with whom he interacts will also see such likability and openness in him. In family life, partners usually deeply appreciate each other’s ability to 'control oneself'. Unfortunately, this ability is often unjustifiably reduced to concealing one’s feelings, thoughts, and various judgments from one another." (source: 1345_6720.txt)

Thus, measures to enhance emotional warmth in relationships can include:

• Daily demonstration of positive nonverbal signals, such as a sincere smile, which helps break down barriers and create an atmosphere of tenderness.
• Openness in expressing feelings, allowing the partner to experience true closeness and support rather than merely formal restraint.

These steps will contribute to the creation of a more supportive and warm emotional bond within the relationship.

Supporting citation(s):

"One can simply smile. When no one smiled at a person, and everyone wore masks—heartfelt relationships in society are not accepted, everything becomes merely functional—suddenly a person is smiled at. All the harsh, dry aspects are not life; it is the soft, tender, flowing life that matters. Look at a dry tree and what happens to it when a wild storm with heavy rain strikes. It breaks. But that tree will stand firm when it is alive." (source: 1078_5389.txt)

"If a person, looking in the mirror, sees a face that, while perhaps not traditionally beautiful, is still inviting, then those with whom he interacts will also see such likability and openness in him. In family life, partners usually deeply appreciate each other’s ability to 'control oneself'. Unfortunately, this ability is often unjustifiably reduced to concealing one’s feelings, thoughts, and various judgments from one another." (source: 1345_6720.txt)

Investing in the Future: The Transformative Role of Fathers

Consider how significant a father's involvement in a child's life is! This is not just about fulfilling household duties, but a true investment in the future, capable of laying a solid foundation for the formation of strong life values. When a father is active, he and the mother jointly instill in the child a sense of responsibility and inner support, allowing him to feel cared for and supported from a very early age.

In many ways, a man's participation in upbringing helps break down outdated stereotypes: caring for a child is not exclusively a woman's role, but a joint effort where each parent contributes his unique touch. A man who takes on the responsibility of caring for his child gains confidence in his abilities, discovering new facets of responsibility and empathy. This approach becomes a powerful impetus for forming solid moral principles and spiritual harmony, which later reflect in the child's future and society at large.

Especially important is the emotional bond that arises from direct involvement: when a father holds his baby in his arms, he not only comforts the child but also fills himself with warmth and joy, strengthening family ties. This deep inner response ensures the creation of an atmosphere of love and mutual respect within the family, where each member feels valued and supported.

Ultimately, a father's involvement is not just temporary care, but a long-term investment in shaping the child's personality and transforming the entire family. Think about how much benefit such an active approach can bring—from shaping the child's strong character to establishing true family unity and harmony!

How can you convince your husband that it is important to help children when they ask for help?

To persuade your husband that supporting children in moments when they need assistance is not just a trivial matter, but an important investment in the future of the entire family, consider several aspects.

Firstly, a father's participation in a child's life helps nurture proper life values in him and lays the foundation for future responsibility. For example, one source emphasizes:
"If, during the time when the baby is still in the mother's womb, the parents pray and live spiritually, then the baby will be born sanctified. And if they help him spiritually, he will become a sanctified person and, in turn, will help society: whether he will serve in the Church, enter governmental bodies, or take on some other role. We all must help children so that they become righteous people..." (source: 6_25.txt)

Secondly, active involvement by the man not only eases the mother's daily tasks but also allows the husband to feel his significance in family life. One text notes that traditional ideas—that caring for a child is solely a woman's affair—are easily overcome when a man takes initiative:
"Stereotypes—women’s work, men’s work—are easily overcome. Once a man decides to try, he quickly becomes confident in his abilities, convinced that he knows best what his child needs! ... For instance, a man always (!) does a better job of bathing a child..." (source: 1350_6746.txt)

And finally, one cannot overlook the emotional power that comes with caring for children. When a father holds his child in his arms, he is not only helping the little one, but he also experiences a deeply soulful feeling that strengthens family bonds. As one source says:
"Nothing is stronger than the feeling that comes over us when we hold our children in our arms. Their helplessness touches the noble chords within our hearts. For us, their innocence is a purifying force..." (source: 595_2970.txt)

Thus, to convince your husband that helping children is important, you can discuss with him how much benefit his involvement brings—from nurturing a worthy individual to creating an atmosphere of love and support within the family, where every member feels valued. This is not merely about taking care of daily tasks; it is an investment in the emotional and moral development of both the child and the entire family.

A Journey to Eternity: The Transformative Wisdom of Aging

Life, despite its inevitable trials and the pain of aging, holds a profound spiritual meaning that can transform both our perception and the very journey toward eternity. In moments when physical limitations and the burdens of human existence become unbearable, it becomes time for inner renewal and reevaluation of one’s experiences. It is through the experience of aging and its accompanying suffering that a person finds the opportunity to let go of earthly attachments and prepare for a transition to a new, higher level of existence.

This transformation suggests a design in which even the painful stages of life play a positive role by helping to achieve harmony and wisdom before the final farewell to the physical world. The patience and strength acquired during this period do not so much weaken us as they guide us in the search for a deeper meaning, turning suffering into lessons and motivating a more conscious perception of life.

Thus, old age appears not only as a time of loss but also as a necessary preparation for the eternal renewal of the soul and consciousness, urging us to see in every ending the beginning of something greater and divine.

Is the finiteness of life a blessing, given the inevitable suffering in life and old age?
The answer can be considered from a spiritual perspective: despite the unavoidable suffering in life and old age, the finiteness of life might possess a certain beneficial function. For example, one text notes, "Old age is the time when a person often feels they no longer want to live, because continued life becomes too heavy. But if viewed from a spiritual standpoint, the suffering of old age can become a blessing, as it helps a person prepare for the transition to eternity." (source: 1249_6244.txt). This thought underscores that the hardships and suffering of old age can facilitate spiritual preparation and reflection on the transition from earthly life, ultimately being perceived as a positive moment.

Additionally, another source states, "The Lord Himself has so wisely arranged that a person grows old before death – so that it becomes easier for him to part from this earth." (source: 1891_9454.txt). This highlights that even the course of events is designed in such a way that aging helps prepare one for the inevitable end, easing the farewell to earthly life. This can be interpreted as a sign that the finiteness of life has a deliberate and positive role in the overall plan.

Thus, despite the suffering, one can assert that the final stage of life, old age, carries with it a meaning of spiritual and inner renewal. It allows a person to reflect on a life lived, draw moral conclusions that life "does not end, but is fulfilled," and thereby prepare for the transition to another, more meaningful and higher stage of being.

Supporting citation(s):
"Old age is the time when a person often feels they no longer want to live, because continued life becomes too heavy. But if viewed from a spiritual standpoint, the suffering of old age can become a blessing, as it helps a person prepare for the transition to eternity." (source: 1249_6244.txt)

"The Lord Himself has so wisely arranged that a person grows old before death – so that it becomes easier for him to part from this earth." (source: 1891_9454.txt)

Spiritual Renewal: The Symbolic Worth of the Sauna Broom

Amid the daily hustle and bustle, it is easy to forget the true values rooted in our souls. In an ordinary object, like a sauna broom, there lies a deep meaning that embodies inner humility and harmony—a force capable of transforming our perception of the world. On one hand, it is seen as a reflection of a person's inner worth, a quiet poverty that holds the capacity to feel one with the surrounding nature and society. This perspective reminds us that true renewal begins within, where spirit and inner balance are more important than material wealth.

On the other hand, the broom serves as a powerful unifying element that connects people through spiritual foundations and universal ideals. Its symbolism infuses the mundane with a sacred mission, showing us how small details can become focal points that unite collective faith and strength. Here, true wealth is not measured by the accumulation of material goods but by the ability to build steadfast spiritual relationships, where every detail matters and speaks to the profound interconnection between people and the world.

Thus, the sauna broom becomes not just a useful tool but a symbol of a refined inner world, spiritual transformation, and solidarity—a reminder of what is truly important in modern society.

Why is it that in a sauna, the broom turns out to be worth more than money, and what might it symbolize? This can be interpreted through two layers of symbolism. On one hand, according to one source ("10_49.txt"), the sauna broom is seen as a symbol of human humility and inner harmony: "It seems as if we live on the eve of unprecedented renewal, and everything that is sick and broken must be replaced by something beautiful and, above all, harmonious. What, then, is the main symbol of such potential harmony? It appears to be human humility—even poverty—in which one feels connected to the entire world without opposing anything. And the broom, which in the sauna turns out to be worth more than money, is exactly that symbol..." (source: 10_49.txt). Here, the broom represents inner value, a special state of the soul, and the ability to recognize the importance of the immaterial, making it "worth more" than money.

On the other hand, another citation indicates that the broom symbolically functions as a unifying link: "Just as the broom binds roses, so did sanctified images reinforce faith in people—the kind ones who received them. And the broom, which was stronger than money and all the treasures people had, became the greatest sacred element, the greatest symbol." (source: 17_84.txt). Here, the broom is associated with unity, cohesion, and spiritual strength, emphasizing the idea that a person's true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the spiritual ties and inner qualities that link them to the world.

Thus, the sauna broom stands as a symbol not only of a refined inner life and spirituality but also as a reminder that a person's true value is found in their inner qualities and their capacity to connect with the world, ultimately surpassing any material means.

Supporting citation(s):
" It seems as if we live on the eve of unprecedented renewal, and everything that is sick and broken must be replaced by something beautiful and, above all, harmonious. What, then, is the main symbol of such potential harmony? It appears to be human humility—even poverty—in which one feels connected to the entire world without opposing anything. And the broom, which in the sauna turns out to be worth more than money, is exactly that symbol..." (source: 10_49.txt)

"Just as the broom binds roses, so did sanctified images reinforce faith in people—the kind ones who received them. And the broom, which was stronger than money and all the treasures people had, became the greatest sacred element, the greatest symbol." (source: 17_84.txt)

Embracing the Unconventional

Strangeness is not so much a negative trait as an invitation to deep self-exploration and understanding of individuality. Reflecting on the fact that even an accustomed observer can sense something unusual in a person's behavior or thoughts, we begin to understand that such a feeling may signal hidden and multifaceted qualities of personality. This unconventional approach to evaluating a person often opens up new perspectives for comprehending their creative potential and inner depth. Instead of judging or rejecting the strange, it is worth viewing it as an opportunity to see beyond the ordinary mask to the unusual traits that prompt discussion and rethinking of established norms. After all, it is often the courage to deviate from standards that leads to true breakthroughs in understanding human nature and unveiling talents capable of transforming our perception of the world.

Is the manifestation of strangeness a negative quality?
The display of strangeness is not necessarily perceived as inherently negative. One reflection cited in the material raises the question: if even a conscious and accustomed observer can sense something strange in a person's behavior or thoughts, might it indicate some hidden depth or ambiguity rather than simple negativity? As one interlocutor states in the following quote:

"Here I wanted, for that very reason, to point out an exceedingly strange case—more, so to speak, psychological than simply strange. ... Keep in mind that if Aleksey Nilych could perceive something strange, then what might truly be the case, hmm?" (source: 780_3895.txt).

This statement underlines that the sensation of strangeness may serve as a signal of unconventional qualities of personality or thinking, and does not necessarily imply a negative assessment. Thus, the manifestation of strangeness is more often seen as an indicator of deviation from commonly accepted norms, which can open up further, deeper perspectives for understanding a person's character or creative potential.

The Paradox of Love: Ecstasy and Madness

Sometimes feelings can have such a strong impact that minds lose control and souls plunge into a state reminiscent of ecstasy, capable of taking a person far beyond everyday reality. At the heart of these experiences lies the incredible power of passion which, when it exceeds its bounds, can turn into a destructive force. Love, like a powerful element, enchants, envelops, and consumes, leaving little room for rationality and sound judgment. This emotional intoxication can sometimes lead to life’s guiding principles losing their significance, giving way to uncontrollable impulses that can alter the course of life and lead to profound inner transformations. Despite its allure and seemingly exalted character, love—if allowed to spiral out of control—becomes a source not only of inspiration but also of potential destruction. In concluding, one can say that the true power of this emotion lies in its dual nature: it is capable of both uplifting and demolishing, leaving behind traces of great triumphs as well as dramatic downfalls.

Can love lead to madness and how does it manifest?

According to certain authors’ observations, love is indeed capable of driving a person to a state that can be described as madness. This occurs because love, by its very nature, is so strong and passionate that when it exceeds its limits, it “renders the soul mad.” For instance, one source writes:
"Love [144] is hot by nature, and, when it blazes in an unmeasured mass, it drives the soul mad. Therefore, the heart of the one who experiences this love cannot contain or bear it. Once, even apostles and martyrs were intoxicated by this spiritual inebriation..." (source: 1711_8550.txt).

This madness manifests as emotional intoxication and the ability to forget everything around when one is engulfed by feelings. For example, it is noted that:
"People in love often find themselves in destructive situations because of their emotions. These feelings can be so strong that they forget everything else and plunge into a state of sacred ecstasy..." (source: 1282_6408.txt).

Furthermore, there is an opinion that mistakes in understanding high love are often precisely linked to its ability to lead to frantic behavior. One author states:
"Those who mistakenly believe that high love does not lead to madness are gravely in error. Many, for example, have witnessed how unclean souls began to rave with carnal love, only to later redirect that same love toward God..." (source: 1257_6281.txt).

Thus, love can become an extremely destructive force when its limits are surpassed, resulting in a person losing control over their soul and mind. This is evident in a state of emotional intoxication where ordinary life guidelines and needs recede into the background, supplanted by unbridled passion and impulses that can lead to self-destruction or fundamental changes in life.

The Inner Journey to Genuine Virtue

When it comes to doing good deeds, the key lies deep within us. It is precisely inner freedom, sincere will, and the readiness of the spirit to respond to the highest moral impulses that form the foundation of true nobility. In our pursuit of virtue, the most important aspect is the presence of free will, which allows us to consciously choose actions that emerge from the depths of our heart. This is not simply about meeting external demands, but about making a conscious, internally motivated choice that can nourish our soul with genuine light. The development of our inner world also plays a crucial role: gradual self-work, continuous self-improvement, and nurturing within ourselves a love for the highest values. Gradually training the soul enables us to reach a new level of spiritual existence, where good deeds become the result of a genuine willingness to change and a drive for harmony. In summary, true goodness is born within us, and only through the cultivation of our inner qualities can we make the world cleaner and brighter.

Are Special Conditions Necessary for Doing Good Deeds?
Based on the sources provided, it can be concluded that for performing good deeds, internal conditions are critically important rather than external circumstances. First and foremost, there is the requirement of inner readiness and the sincere disposition of the soul. As noted in one of the sources, a person “has the opportunity to abide in and excel in goodness” precisely because of possessing free will, which is not the cause of the deed itself but serves as the necessary condition for its choice (“Free will – an essential necessary condition for performing a moral deed in general…”, source: 1787_8931.txt). This means that the ability to do good acts comes from inner freedom and the readiness of a person to respond to the highest moral impulses.

In addition to free will, a sincere will emerging from the depths of the soul is also essential for carrying out virtuous acts. As emphasized in another statement, “if virtue originates from love for God and a conscious submission to His will, then such an act attains true goodness” (“…do your actions come from your heart or are they performed due to some external impulses…”, source: 1158_5787.txt). In other words, an act is truly good when it results from an inner, free, and sincere choice rather than from the mechanical execution of external rules.

Finally, another source points out that for the development of spiritual virtue it is necessary to gradually “prepare, train, exercise” one’s soul—a process during which a person learns to transform their internal states and gradually attain true godlikeness (“…one must gradually prepare, train, exercise one’s soul…”, source: 9_44.txt). This once again emphasizes that carrying out truly good deeds requires more than just favorable external circumstances—it demands inner effort, self-denial, and genuine love.

In conclusion, special external conditions are not the sole requirement; having inner freedom, a sincere desire for virtuous actions, and a readiness for constant spiritual improvement are far more important.

Supporting citation(s):
"Free will is an essential necessary condition for performing a moral deed in general. Without free will there are neither righteous nor sinful deeds. St. John Damascene states that the human being created by God ‘had the opportunity to abide in and excel in goodness as well as to turn away from goodness and end up in evil because of possessing free will’." (source: 1787_8931.txt)

"…Do your actions come from your heart or are they done based on some external impulses? Your consciousness cannot be mistaken in determining this. Then consider, is your mercy a natural inclination, or does it spring spontaneously from love for God and submission to His will?… For this to attain genuine goodness, you must sanctify your heartfelt compassion with love for God and submission to His will…" (source: 1158_5787.txt)

"…one must gradually prepare, train, exercise one’s soul. Then gradually we will move from the lesser to the greater and, little by little, we will transform from animals into human beings…" (source: 9_44.txt)