Modern research unveils an enthralling picture of the origin of life, where complex molecular processes unfold against the backdrop of the primordial Earth's chemical evolution. Imagine this: the simplest chemical substances, fueled by natural energy, gradually combine to create organic structures—precursors to life. Despite a long period of experimentation, science still assembles this puzzle in an attempt to capture the moment when inanimate matter transforms into living matter. In this thrilling search for answers, the theory of natural selection plays a crucial role, explaining how only the most adaptable forms survive in an endless struggle for existence. The evolution of humans, like that of other species, stands as a vivid testament to a random mélange of changes, where every beneficial innovation becomes firmly established and is passed on to future generations. Ultimately, despite extensive theoretical and experimental investigations, the mystery of the origin of life remains only partially unraveled, while the process of evolution continues dynamically and persistently, inspiring us to look toward the future of science with both trepidation and energy.