• 20.03.2025

The Final Seal: Muhammad and the Universality of Revelation

In Islam, wisdom and the culmination of revelation are embodied in the personality of Muhammad, who is symbolically marked as the "Seal of the Prophets." The introduction of this concept signifies a transition from numerous prophetic messages to a single, universal teaching intended for all humanity and even the unseen realm of spirits. Muhammad’s core message is based on several unalterable principles: the finality of revelation, its immutability, and the fact that it serves as the ultimate guide for salvation. Unlike previous bearers of the divine word, his message transcends narrow communities by offering a universal path that unites both peoples and jinn. Therefore, the acceptance of this very teaching becomes a key condition for achieving true spiritual perfection, emphasizing that after Muhammad, no new prophet capable of bringing forth an equally complete and all-encompassing revelation can emerge.

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  • 20.03.2025

The Immutable Anchor: Faith Amid Life's Changes

In the modern world, where human relationships are subject to constant change and uncertainty, faith in God stands as a reliable and steadfast foundation for the soul. While relationships between people often fluctuate under the influence of emotions, doubts, and changing circumstances, a profound inner conviction proves capable of providing unwavering support that grants calm and strength in the face of life's trials.

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  • 20.03.2025

The Soul's Eternal Enigma

Spiritual quests always lead us to the mysteries surrounding the nature of the soul. In exploring texts, one can see that the soul is depicted as an immortal creation made in God's image, endowed with eternal dignity and divine essence. However, the materials do not provide grounds to claim that the soul actively served God before its incarnation—a notion that receives little attention even in the context of discussions on soul transmigration, which is rejected by the canons of Christian doctrine. In this tense yet inspiring reflection lies a challenge for the contemporary believer: how should one perceive the divine aspect of the soul if there is no confirmation of active service before birth? Let this search for truth serve as a stimulus for renewed contemplations on the eternal, unfathomable, and infinite realm of spiritual reality.
If the soul is eternal and inhabits a human, what was its state before incarnation – did it serve God?
Based on the presented quotations, we can conclude that although the soul is described as an eternal, immortal creation made in God's image, none of the quotations directly state that it actively served God before incarnation.

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  • 20.03.2025

The Autopilot Mind: How Disruptions Spark Awareness

Our mind often operates like an invisible autopilot, and that's amazing! In our everyday life, we don't always consciously notice every step—many actions are performed automatically without the intervention of deliberate control. Meanwhile, our consciousness seems to "activate" only when something doesn't go as planned or unexpectedly disrupts our usual rhythm. Modern ideas in psychology propose seeing consciousness not as a constant overseer, but as the result of interruptions in the predominantly automatic flow of mental life. It is precisely these moments of disruption that force us to slow down, reassess the situation, and possibly adjust our behavior. Ultimately, a significant portion of our actions takes place on a subconscious level, and awareness only emerges when we face something unusual. This insight reveals the remarkable workings of our mind, encouraging us to view familiar processes from a fresh, more dynamic, and engaging perspective!

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  • 20.03.2025

Evolving Perspectives on Evolution

At the dawn of our understanding of evolution, science offered an entire range of compelling evidence that spans paleontology, genetics, and molecular biology. Through meticulous archaeological excavations, DNA research, and observations of living organisms, the theory of evolution is powerfully substantiated, allowing us to trace the intricate connections among classes and species. This evidence demonstrates how life gradually acquired new forms through cumulative changes that enabled adaptation to an ever-changing world. However, lively debates persist within the scientific community, as proponents of criticism point to the lack of documented instances of entirely new forms of life emerging with completely new genetic information and emphasize that the progression from simple organisms to complex ones does not always follow the expected path. This tension between established facts and lingering questions fuels ongoing research and discussions, as each new discovery brings us closer to a deeper understanding of biological processes. Ultimately, the amassed empirical data significantly reinforces the viability of the theory of evolution, opening exciting avenues for new discoveries and the reexamination of current paradigms.

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The Final Seal: Muhammad and the Universality of Revelation

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The Soul's Eternal Enigma

Based on the presented quotations, we can conclude that although the soul is described as an eternal, immortal creation made in God's image, none of the quotations directly state that it actively served God before incarnation.

The Autopilot Mind: How Disruptions Spark Awareness

Yes, indeed, we can perform actions without fully realizing them, and this indicates that our consciousness does not fu

Evolving Perspectives on Evolution

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