Samadhi Unleashed: Tapping into Hidden Energies
Samadhi is not simply a state of tranquility but a moment of powerful liberation of inner energy, when the mind and body are freed of accumulated barriers—whether karmic, volitional, or mental. In this purifying process, energy begins to circulate freely, activating hidden potentials that had previously remained unseen. As a result, one gains access to previously unknown abilities, sometimes perceived as the acquisition of special powers or siddhis.Achieving this deep concentration requires complete dedication and the removal of all obstacles that distort the natural flow of energy. It is at this moment that a true breakthrough occurs, as habitual boundaries dissolve, yielding to a renewed force capable of transforming one's perception of the world and expanding the horizons of personal development.Remember that the path to Samadhi is an active process of self-exploration and personal growth. By casting off old limitations, you open the door to a realm where energy not only heals but also inspires new feats. May this journey serve as your personal challenge to unlock your true potential and transform your inner world.
How can the state of Samadhi be explained as a flow of energy moving without obstacles?The state of Samadhi can be seen as the moment when a person’s inner energetic forces become free and begin to flow without the usual barriers. In this state, both mind and body are cleansed of accumulated restrictions—karmic, volitional, and mental—which allows hidden energies to activate and function on a new level. For instance, according to materials from source link txt, "Hidden energies, awakened by the rays of Samadhi, bestow individual siddhi." This implies that when the mind reaches complete absorption and is freed from ordinary disturbances, the inner energetic flow becomes unbridled, potentially leading to the manifestation of special abilities.Furthermore, as noted in source link txt, "on the path to Samadhi, it is necessary to remove all karmic, volitional, and mental obstacles." This process of eliminating impediments is essential for energy to flow freely without being hindered or distorted by unnecessary impulses.Thus, Samadhi—according to these sources—is described not as a passive state devoid of energetic activity but rather as an active condition in which the liberation and free circulation of hidden energy occur, paving the way for the development of higher potentials.Supporting citation(s):"Hidden energies, awakened by the rays of Samadhi, bestow individual siddhi" (source: link txt)"On the path to Samadhi, it is necessary to remove all karmic, volitional, and mental obstacles" (source: link txt)