Mindfulness: Journey from Illusion to True Freedom

Mindfulness unveils an amazing world before us—a world where familiar illusions no longer keep us captive. At the beginning of this inspiring journey, we encounter the duality of existence: on one hand, a sense of enslavement and fragmentation; on the other, the enticing call of liberation and wholeness. By developing the capacity for profound perception, a person begins to understand that the division imposed by external circumstances is merely an illusory construct. This process helps reveal that true life manifests in the unity of the self and in active, creative interaction with the world.

Overcoming internal barriers, we take the first painful yet necessary step—self-knowledge, which shatters old patterns and reactions that restrict our freedom. It is at this moment that a creative rupture of the familiar order occurs, opening the door to our true essence. A courageous look inward not only frees us from illusory notions of good and evil but also enables us to connect the personal with the universal, returning to an original sense of integrity.

Thus, the path to freedom begins with an inner upheaval, where the destruction of old bonds fuels the birth of a new, deeper, and more enriched life. Mindfulness serves as a powerful tool that enables us to overcome external constraints and shift from a state of bondage to one of creative and spiritual freedom.

How can mindfulness aid in liberation from the influence of an illusory, fake reality?
Mindfulness helps an individual see through the habitual illusions that render them a prisoner of two worlds—one in which enslavement is felt and another in which liberation is promised. By cultivating conscious perception, a person can recognize that the fragmentation and disintegration of their identity are illusions, initiating a movement from servitude toward wholeness and creative freedom.

For instance, one source states:
"Human consciousness is subject to various illusions in understanding the relationship between this world, in which a person feels enslaved, and another world, in which liberation is awaited. Man is the point of intersection between these two worlds. One of the illusions lies in perceiving the difference between the two worlds as one of substances. In reality, it is a difference in the mode of existence. A person transitions from slavery to freedom, from fragmentation to wholeness, from impersonality to individuality, from passivity to creativity—that is, they move toward spirituality." (source: link )

This means that mindfulness allows a person to understand that the imposed ideas of a divided world are nothing but an illusion, and that true being is revealed through the unity of the self and active creative engagement with the world.

Moreover, the path to liberation begins with profound self-knowledge that destroys habitual patterns and reactions linked to false perceptions of oneself and the surrounding world. As explained in another source:
"How does one break free from this bondage? The first step is the bitterness of self-knowledge. It introduces creative chaos into former wholeness. 'The weight of heavy thoughts pulled me upward, while the wings of flesh dragged me downward into the grave,' Hamlet says in Vyssotsky’s words. The repentance spoken of in Christianity is, first and foremost, about destruction. The destruction of the habitual bonds of familiar reactions. The first truth a person discovers when they begin seeking truth is the truth about themselves—the fact that the boundary between good and evil does not lie along the line between 'I' and 'Others'." (source: link )

Thus, mindfulness fosters deep reflection and the recognition of one’s own truth, which in turn dismantles the illusory constructs and masks created to shield us from the raw experience of being. This process enables a return to the source of our true essence, abandoning false, artificial models of perceiving the world and ultimately liberating us from the influence of a fake reality.