Guardians of Tradition: Understanding Sexual Prohibitions

In a world where values are constantly being reexamined, traditional constraints on sexual relations continue to play an important role in protecting the institution of marriage and preserving moral principles. Many worldviews insist that clear boundaries in the sexual realm help not only safeguard marital fidelity but also prevent a person from degenerating—transforming them from a rational being into something less controlled. Such prohibitions are seen as a way to preserve willpower and protect the individual from negative consequences, whether it be a loss of spirituality or physical weakening. An energetic perspective on traditional norms emphasizes that adherence to established limits helps society maintain a balance between profound human emotions and the need for self-restraint. Thus, despite the rapidly changing modern world, prohibitions on sexual behavior remain an important aspect of cultural and spiritual heritage, contributing to the reinforcement of common ethical principles and the preservation of vital energy.

What reasons could explain the prohibition of sex in certain worldviews and traditions?

The answer to your question can be formulated as follows. In many worldviews and traditions, the prohibition of sex (or, more precisely, of certain forms of sexual behavior) is due to a number of reasons related to the moral, spiritual, and even physical aspects of human life.

Firstly, traditional prohibitions are often aimed at protecting the institution of marriage and marital fidelity. As noted in one of the sources, “Under this commandment is understood: the prohibition of violating marital fidelity, premarital sexual relations, various sexual perversions, including masturbation, i.e. this commandment is closely related to issues of human sexuality” (source: link ). Here, the idea is that violating marital obligations and allowing sexual deviations can lead to both spiritual and physical decline.

Secondly, some traditions view the free expression of sexual instincts as a threat to the human personality. As an example, one source states: “Prohibitions exist only for humans. Therefore, when a person starts looking for reasons to expand the sphere of their instincts beyond marriage, they first become an animal, and then even a demon, because then various perversions begin that no animal would ever allow itself” (source: link ). This emphasizes that without established boundaries, a person risks losing their humanity and degrading their moral values.

Thirdly, the issue of sexual restrictions is linked to the idea of preserving integrity and willpower. Another source asserts: “Sex destroys the human personality, it relaxes a person's will” (source: link ). This statement reflects the belief that excessive indulgence in sexual pleasures can weaken the inner strength required for spiritual and moral development.

Finally, prohibitions are seen as a way to shield individuals from negative consequences—both spiritual and physical—that stem from unbridled sexual practices. One source emphasizes that “The commandment concerning sex is viewed in terms of sin. Sin not only gives rise to sexual diseases, but it also undermines moral values” (source: link ). This view is based on the idea that excessive sexual indulgence can adversely affect both societal and personal values.

Thus, the reasons for prohibiting sex in certain worldviews and traditions include protecting the institution of marriage and fidelity, preventing the degradation of the human personality, preserving willpower and moral values, and avoiding negative physical and spiritual consequences.

Supporting citation(s):
"Under this commandment is understood: the prohibition of violating marital fidelity, premarital sexual relations, various sexual perversions, including masturbation, i.e. this commandment is closely related to issues of human sexuality" (source: link )

"Prohibitions exist only for humans. Therefore, when a person starts looking for reasons to expand the sphere of their instincts beyond marriage, they first become an animal, and then even a demon, because then various perversions begin that no animal would ever allow itself" (source: link )

"Sex destroys the human personality, it relaxes a person's will" (source: link )

"The commandment concerning sex is viewed in terms of sin. Sin not only gives rise to sexual diseases, but it also undermines moral values" (source: link )