The Perils of Spiritual Detachment
In today's world, the greatest danger is that doctrine, having detached itself from the source of Orthodox faith, might become an instrument for achieving goals that contradict Christian ideals. When spiritual support is lost, even scientific research begins to serve not the light of truth but the shadows of delusion, leading to profound doubts about what is truly sacred.At the heart of this problem lies the loss of moral and spiritual guidance, when, without a solid ecclesiastical foundation, science and new currents of thought cease to be aids of faith and become means of advancing ideas that oppose the eternal truths of the Church. In this context, the necessity to subordinate not only scientific inquiry but also reflective quest for a higher purpose—to serve Christ and His holy Church—plays a crucial role. This connection makes it possible to remain on the side of truth, even if the world around strives to exalt falsehood and self-deception.In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that returning to genuine, time-tested values is not merely a tribute to tradition, but a vital necessity for preserving the integrity of the spiritual world. Only through an inseparable union with Orthodox doctrine can science and spirituality together carry the light of hope and serve as a guide to truth in our rapidly changing world.What might happen if a teaching, based on deception and linking theories of God and science, loses its connection with Orthodoxy?If such a teaching loses its connection with Orthodoxy, it will inevitably turn into an instrument serving not true faith, but rather the forces opposed to Christ. In that case, it will cease to serve the light of ecclesiastical truth and instead become part of the delusions that foster self-deception and even open opposition to the Church. As one source emphasizes:"We, by the command of the Apostle Paul, subject our own and scientific reflections to obedience to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Also, often non-ecclesiastical strands of science are called 'advanced' or 'progressive.' This is incomprehensible to the ecclesiastical person. Truth is progressive, and truth is in the Church. Denying ecclesiastical truth is falsehood—so does falsehood really come before truth? Is falsehood more progressive than truth? It is about time to cast aside these and similar prejudices, especially for us, ecclesiastical people. Thus, by saying that science must be ancilla Ecclesiae, we are merely affirming what is: science is always either the servant of Christ and His holy Church, or of the Antichrist who is in constant conflict with the Church he hates." (source: link )Such a doctrine, having detached itself from Orthodox dogma, loses its moral and spiritual orientation, which may lead even scientific inquiry to serve ideals contrary to Christian values. This, in turn, creates an atmosphere of doubt and delusion, where truth becomes interchangeable and distorted. The failure of such a system lies in the fact that, without reliance on eternal ecclesiastical values, it transforms from a guiding star into a source of delusion, trapping individuals in self-deception and conceit.This deviation from truth has already been a source of widespread confusion, as abandoning Orthodox support has led to rebellion in both science and a person's spiritual self-awareness. Thus, losing connection with Orthodoxy leads not only to the loss of a spiritual center, but also causes doctrine to become a tool in the hands of those who seek to elevate falsehood above truth.