Digital Isolation: The Invisibility of Approval

The absence of likes may be perceived by some as a violation of social norms, since a person values the unprecedented support and approval that demonstrate their belonging to a group and adherence to accepted norms. As noted in one source, the lack of positive feedback can be associated with the threat of public condemnation and the negative emotions arising from the feeling that one’s "life rays" do not resonate with others:

"No person who violates customs and goes against society’s views will escape punishment in the form of universal condemnation and dislike... no one can live in a society under the weight of constant disfavor and the negative opinions of their loved ones and those with whom they interact. This burden is too heavy for human endurance. It is enough to observe a clean-cut teenager in a public space to sense their discomfort. The concept of 'Social Control' (public opinion) disproves the idea that self-identified, insecure teenagers simply invent fashion trends and even entire subcultures that oppose society."
(source: link )

Also, through subtle, almost imperceptible signals, a person picks up on the atmosphere of others’ disgust and prejudice when their social activity fails to receive the expected response. This is illustrated in the following excerpt, which explains how one can easily sense someone else’s contempt even without any words:

"Yet, without even thinking, you feel through the spiritual ether that stream, that current of someone else's disgust, contempt, and malice. And you don’t know what to do; you can’t entirely forget; and you carry this curse with you through life. Every person—whether they know it or not—is a living, radiating individual center. We get the first perception of someone else’s antipathy when we feel that the life rays we send out are not welcomed by the other person, as if they are being repelled or stubbornly refused entry."
(source: link )

Thus, the absence of likes is not merely a lack of digital response but a signal that triggers feelings of social isolation and fear of public disapproval. People instinctively crave approval, and its absence is seen as an indication that they do not meet societal expectations, which may lead to a sense of social vulnerability and internal conflict.