Beyond the Gaze: Debunking Eye Shape Stereotypes

In the world of folk beliefs and intriguing hypotheses, there has always been room for vivid comparisons and stereotypes. Many sources link different types of eyes with certain personality traits: small eyes with timidity, large eyes with laziness, sunken eyes with malice, and bulging eyes with a lack of original thinking. However, it is surprising that even with such a detailed characterization of the overall appearance of eyes, no special attention is paid to the shape of the eye corners. This indicates that traditional views on personality are based more on superficial observations than on scientifically confirmed data. Such assertions serve as a reminder that one cannot judge the depth of a person’s character by external features – true individuality is composed of numerous factors that extend beyond the shape of someone’s eyes. Let myths be a reason for spirited debates, while the real personality remains an enigma that requires deep and comprehensive analysis.

How, in your personal experience, does the shape of the eye corners influence a person’s characteristics?

In analyzing the quoted passages, I did not find any information directly linking the shape of the eye corners to personality traits. Some sources describe in detail how different types of eyes (for example, small, large, sunken, or bulging) are associated with specific character traits, but none of them single out the eye corners as a separate characteristic. For instance, the text from file link (page 975) states:

"Those with small eyes are cowardly; this is attributed to the corresponding trait and to monkeys. Those with large eyes are lazy; this is associated with oxen. Therefore, it is fitting for a noble-born person to have eyes that are neither too big nor too small. Those with sunken eyes are malicious; this is linked to monkeys. Those with bulging eyes are foolish; this is traced back to the corresponding trait and to donkeys."

This quotation demonstrates that the examined materials analyze the influence of the general appearance of eyes on personality characteristics; however, there is no direct mention of the shape of the eye corners. From this, one can conclude that according to the cited sources, there is no confirmed experience or opinion on how the shape of the eye corners influences personality.

Supporting citation(s):
"Those with small eyes are cowardly; this is attributed to the corresponding trait and to monkeys. Those with large eyes are lazy; this is associated with oxen. Therefore, it is fitting for a noble-born person to have eyes that are neither too big nor too small. Those with sunken eyes are malicious; this is linked to monkeys. Those with bulging eyes are foolish; this is traced back to the corresponding trait and to donkeys." (source: link , page 975)