The Spiritual Crisis: Disappearing Miracle Makers

In the modern world, there is an alarming trend: as society becomes increasingly fixated on material achievements, the soul’s capacity for profound spiritual experiences and true miracles is gradually being lost. When a person grows more attached to external wealth and outward success, their inner world slowly loses the purity and exalted quality that once served as the source of great spiritual feats.

In this context, material progress often turns out not to be a companion of wisdom, but rather the cause of its decline. Today, as knowledge and technology advance by leaps and bounds, spiritual values simultaneously weaken, leading to a loss of inner strength and the capacity for transformative acts. The key problem is that abandoning spiritual quests and aspirations, coupled with an intensified attachment to the material, deprives a person of the ability to perform true miracles bestowed by higher realms of spiritual experience.

In conclusion, the disappearance of genuine believers is a vivid reflection of profound changes in the spiritual life of society. The revival of spirituality and the return to the quest for inner purity require every individual to make an effort to strike a balance between the material and the spiritual, for it is this very harmony that can restore the power which once illuminated the path of great achievements.

How can the disappearance of genuine believers, capable of performing miracles, be explained, and what does this indicate about spiritual changes in society?

The disappearance of genuine believers, capable of performing miracles, can be explained as the result of a deep decline in inner spirituality and a retreat from loftier spiritual aspirations in favor of the material. When a person becomes excessively attached to external attributes like material wealth and success, their soul loses the ability to maintain profound purity and high spiritual gifts—the wellspring of genuine miracles. Thus, the vanishing of such believers attests to a widespread decrease in the expressive spiritual strength of society.

As noted in one source, "Some spiritual individuals, because of their great virtue, were perplexed as to how they might erode worldly vanity from their hearts; they did not know that one or two prayers would solve their problem. This is the true reason why great miracles, once a hallmark of spiritual feats, now almost never occur. By clinging to the material, a person defiles their soul and becomes incapable of maintaining a high degree of spirituality, thereby eliminating the possibility of higher spiritual gifts, which are fitting only under conditions of purity and sanctity. Ioann of Kronstadt stated: 'Among people today, faith is disappearing; there are no longer genuine believers capable of performing miracles because their high spiritual life and aspirations are vanishing'" (source: link ).

"We are living in a very interesting and challenging time. Perhaps never before has there been such a predominance of the material over the spiritual. The world is not standing still. […] But alongside this, spiritual values are being lost, and a disregard for the spiritual realm and an abandonment of it have developed and intensified. Material enrichment alongside the impoverishment of spirit; the growth of knowledge accompanied by the loss of wisdom" (source: link ).

In this way, the disappearance of believers capable of performing miracles reflects not so much a loss of external wonders as it does deep changes in the spiritual climate of society. In turning to materialistic values, the essential spiritual purity and inner strength are lost—without which true miracles would be impossible—pointing to a serious shift in the spiritual state of the modern world.