Eternal Divine Tests: A Call to Spiritual Awakening

In a world where the quest for spiritual meaning takes on special importance, the trials sent by God continue until the very end. These spiritual tests are nothing more than a signal for awakening and the need to prepare for the final turning to God, for no earthly force, governmental system, or even the most meticulously crafted law can ever satisfy mankind’s deep spiritual need.

This call becomes even more urgent when it comes to the final trial aimed at making people aware of their vulnerability before the greatness of the divine. It is essential to understand that in a world full of temptations and illusions, only sincere turning to God and His maternal protection can provide true salvation. Even after the Ascension of Christ, when many might expect suffering to end, the spiritual trial of those who reject the highest help continues, reminding us of the inevitable process of tests leading up to the Last Judgment.

In conclusion, these trials represent an opportunity to reassess one’s priorities and revive faith in higher values. The call to genuine spiritual awakening is more relevant than ever: only by deeply understanding our need for God can we overcome the temptations of the world and become stronger on our path toward the final reward or punishment. This eternal truth reminds us that behind every trial lies a chance for a new spiritual beginning and an approach to the light that never fades.

When, according to religious beliefs, will the Lord cease to test people with His trials?

According to the provided quotes, the trials from the Lord will continue until the very moment when the last days come, that is, until the Last Judgment. The tests are sent to awaken in a person the awareness of their spiritual need and to prepare them for the final turning to God. In one excerpt it is stated:

"This is the final trial that God will send to people so that they understand that no antichrist, no matter how remarkable, magnificent, or astute (and he will be very clever) government, can ever feed the people. No set of the most beautiful laws, no decrees. Only God can feed the people, if they turn to Him and ask for His help. The only salvation is found in turning to God, to His Immaculate Mother. And those who remain faithful to God and do not accept the seal of the antichrist, He will preserve." (source: link , page: 2548)

It is also noted that from the moment of the Ascension until the Last Judgment, Christ will test those who have rejected Him not through His crucifixion sufferings, but through other trials designed to ultimately prompt reflection on one’s relationship with God:

"But before that dazzling lightning flashes, it is necessary for Christ, according to His words, 'to suffer much and be rejected by this generation.' What suffering is the Lord Jesus Christ referring to here? He is not speaking of His crucifixion sufferings, but of other sufferings which, day by day—from the Ascension until the Last Judgment—He will inflict on those who have rejected Him." (source: link , page: 21)

Thus, according to religious beliefs, the trials will continue until the moment when the last days arrive—that is, until the final Last Judgment, after which the tests will cease and the ultimate reward or punishment will be determined according to each person’s faith.

Supporting citation(s):
"This is the final trial that God will send to people so that they understand that no antichrist, no matter how remarkable, magnificent, or astute (and he will be very clever) government, can ever feed the people. No set of the most beautiful laws, no decrees. Only God can feed the people, if they turn to Him and ask for His help. The only salvation is found in turning to God, to His Immaculate Mother. And those who remain faithful to God and do not accept the seal of the antichrist, He will preserve." (source: link , page: 2548)

"But before that dazzling lightning flashes, it is necessary for Christ, according to His words, 'to suffer much and be rejected by this generation.' What suffering is the Lord Jesus Christ referring to here? He is not speaking of His crucifixion sufferings, but of other sufferings which, day by day—from the Ascension until the Last Judgment—He will inflict on those who have rejected Him." (source: link , page: 21)