Empowering the Mind: Embracing Higher Life Values
The gift of mind to a person opens up astonishing horizons of possibilities, allowing us to freely and consciously choose the highest values in life. This unique ability becomes a kind of inner weapon that helps each individual attain true freedom and clarity of thought. A mind endowed with the true gift enables a person not merely to react to life's circumstances, but to actively strive for more meaningful goals – internal unity with the Divine and spiritual perfection.At the heart of this process is the realization that the real good, worthy of human existence, is not confined to material benefits or the satisfaction of lower needs accessible even to animals. True human good is born when a person, by his own will and consciousness, chooses the path that leads to the embodiment of the supreme ideal – an ideal in which love and spiritual unity become the fundamental principles. It is important that the mind, feelings, and actions are directed toward reflecting this higher goal, for it is exactly this that enables us to become true masters of our fate.Thus, the endowment of the mind acquires profound meaning when we begin to purposefully build our lives around ideals that surpass ordinary and mundane desires. By finding harmony within ourselves and striving towards eternal values, a person gains the opportunity to inspire the world with his inner strength and light, imparted by the Divine spark.How is the true purpose of endowing a person with a mind for independently achieving life's goals? According to the cited sources, the purpose of endowing a person with a mind is to equip him with the ability to freely, independently, and consciously choose the highest values in life. This gift provides the opportunity to develop inner freedom and clear consciousness, without which it is impossible to attain true human good—that is, that which a person adopts through his own will and awareness. Thus, the mind helps a person realize that life's true goals cannot solely consist of serving oneself, but must include an aspiration to reflect the supreme ideal, founded on love and submission to the Divine.This concept is supported by the statement:"Without freedom and clear consciousness, many goods may be available for humanity—a general abundance, security, all kinds of material enjoyments—but all these are lower-order goods, accessible even to other animals, and it is unworthy for a person to be content with them. Truly human good is possible only when a person comes to it on his own, accepting it through his will and consciousness." (source: link )Another important aspect is that the mind and its related feelings and actions should be in harmonious subordination to the supreme ideal that sets the direction for one's entire life:"Your mind, your feelings, your all rules are Christ’s." (source: link )Thus, the true purpose of the gift of the mind lies in providing a person with the opportunity to independently and consciously pursue the highest goal in life, which manifests as an inner union with the Divine and a striving for spiritual perfection, rather than simply chasing after mundane goods.