Modern Psychology and the Loss of Spiritual Integrity

Today many wonder whether the evolution of modern psychology has led to the destruction of the foundations of the human soul and spiritual values. In this era, as experiments with methods aimed at “soul cleansing” gain momentum, concerns arise over the integrity of the individual. Some contemporary approaches, experimenting with hyperventilation, hypnosis, specially selected music, and even the use of psychotropic agents, attempt to penetrate the depths of human consciousness, yet paradoxically strike at the very essence of the person.

Such practices provoke deep bewilderment, as they seek to replace an authentic understanding of human nature with mechanistic experimentation, turning therapy into a sort of baseless show. This is not merely an innovative experiment—it conceals the loss of a spiritual foundation that once gave psychology its soul. Critics argue that the influence of atheistic and materialistic ideas has led to a degradation in which psychology has lost not only its deep moral guidelines but also the ability to truly understand human beings.

This trend leaves its mark, leading to a dangerous destruction of not only the psyche but also the spiritual substance of the individual. Modern moral benchmarks are shifting, and people—especially the younger generation—are increasingly pursuing superficial pleasures, thereby losing their connection with lofty spiritual values. The result is an ominous future in which a genuine understanding of humanity is replaced by experimental procedures capable of inflicting incalculable damage on one’s inner world.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the criticism of modern psychology serves both as a warning and a challenge: preserving the soulful and spiritual nature of the individual is possible only by returning to the foundations that have sustained the integrity of human existence for centuries.

Can it be asserted that modern psychology has a detrimental effect, and what are the arguments in favor of such an opinion?

Answer: It can be asserted that there is an opinion regarding the detrimental impact of modern psychology, and several arguments are attributed to this claim.

Firstly, the approach sometimes referred to as transpersonal psychology is criticized. As noted in one of the sources, proponents of this approach propose carrying out “soul cleansing” using hyperventilation, hypnosis, specially selected music, and even psychotropic drugs. This approach is described as “the destructiveness and repulsiveness of the procedure” because it is seen not only as an experiment with behavior but also as a deviation from the proper understanding of a person as a holistic being. This position is expressed as follows:
"Here, there is a terrible delusion and, moreover, one could speak of a deviation of thought of universal significance. ... The destructiveness and repulsiveness of this, if I may say so, procedure is beyond comment. From the above, one can conclude: as the theory is, so is the practice, that is modern psychotherapy." (source: link )

Secondly, an argument is presented that modern psychology has lost its spiritual and moral foundations. As mentioned in one of the texts, psychology once possessed a “soul,” but over time it has lost not only its soul, but also its psyche and consciousness. This degradation is linked to the historical influence of atheism and materialism, which, in the author's opinion, gives rise to concerns about human behavior.
"One of the authors of the British Encyclopedia in the 70s wrote: 'Poor, poor psychology, first it lost its soul, then its psyche, then its consciousness, and now it is anxious about behavior.' ..." (source: link )

Finally, it is noted that the changed moral guidelines have a negative impact on the fate and soul of the individual. In one statement, a comparison is made with the actions of well-known historical figures; however, the emphasis is placed not so much on physical harm as on the destruction of the soul and spiritual condition. It is stated that the evil descending upon humanity "will destroy the very soul, corrupt it," and that modern teenagers are increasingly captivated by phenomena that lead them away from spiritual values.
"What could Stalin, Hitler, or Beria do? ... But the evil that is coming upon us will destroy the very soul, corrupt it... A child must be educated before conception, not when he is already fifteen years old..." (source: link )

Thus, the arguments in favor of the view that modern psychology has a detrimental impact are tied to the criticism of its methods, the loss of spiritual values, and its subsequent destructive effect on the soul and moral guidelines of the individual.

Supporting citation(s):
"Here, there is a terrible delusion and, moreover, one could speak of a deviation of thought of universal significance. ... The destructiveness and repulsiveness of this, if I may say so, procedure is beyond comment. From the above, one can conclude: as the theory is, so is the practice, that is modern psychotherapy." (source: link )

"One of the authors of the British Encyclopedia in the 70s wrote: 'Poor, poor psychology, first it lost its soul, then its psyche, then its consciousness, and now it is anxious about behavior.' ..." (source: link )

"What could Stalin, Hitler, or Beria do? ... But the evil that is coming upon us will destroy the very soul, corrupt it..." (source: link )