Divine Freedom: The Sacred Right to Choose

Reflecting deep religious traditions, freedom of choice appears as something sacred and blessed, granted to man by God himself. This unique gift provides each of us not merely with existence, but with the opportunity to consciously define our lives by choosing between good and evil. The association of freedom with divine care emphasizes that through active and moral self-affirmation, a person finds the path to salvation and spiritual perfection.

The significance of this core aspect of human essence lies in its call for active participation in a grand divine plan rather than mere passive existence. Each of us carries a historical and spiritual mission, and our choices become the key tool in transforming life towards justice and harmony. Moreover, freedom is not seen as a source of chaos but as a sacred right that allows one to pursue clearly defined goals and achieve unity with a higher principle.

In conclusion, freedom of choice is not simply a license for random actions, but rather a well-considered opportunity granted to us for achieving spiritual perfection and true understanding with the Lord who leads us on the path of salvation.

Why, in your opinion, is society inclined to associate the idea of free choice with God rather than with an image reminiscent of Satan?

Society perceives the idea of free choice as an inherent divine gift because, within the religious worldview, it is God who bestowed the gift of freedom upon man, enabling him to choose his own path toward salvation and moral perfection. Thus, freedom of choice is presented as the utmost expression of divine care and grace, and not as a manifestation of chaotic or destructive forces typically associated with an image reminiscent of Satan.

As noted in one of the sources, "The Lord gave man freedom. And not by a mechanical process that turns man into an automaton—thereby stripping all his actions of moral content—does the Lord lead him to salvation. The Lord gave man freedom so that he might choose his own path to salvation..." (source: 1006_5026.txt). This highlights that freedom of choice is not a thoughtless right to arbitrary actions, but rather a blessed instrument designed for conscious and moral self-affirmation that leads to union with the divine.

Additionally, another excerpt emphasizes the active role of man as the bearer of historical existence: "Man, as the true bearer of historical existence, is not a passive object, but one of the active agents: a friend or an adversary..." (source: 1283_6413.txt). This indicates that the capacity to choose between good and evil is regarded as a valuable, responsible, and active participation in the divine design.

Thus, freedom of choice is associated with God because it is seen as a gift that enables man to strive for spiritual perfection, justice, and salvation. In this context, it serves as a tool to realize a higher purpose rather than as an expression of rebellion or chaotic, destructive forces traditionally embodied by an image reminiscent of Satan.