Creative Ascension: Unleashing Inner Spiritual Freedom

In a world where creativity becomes not just an intellectual function but a profound inner process, each of us can witness the true manifestation of freedom. The fundamental basis of this concept is the conviction that creative ascension is a connection with the unknown, with that which transcends the ordinary limits of the material world. Here we see not merely an act of aesthetic enjoyment but an inner energy capable of carrying us beyond the boundaries of conventional existence and opening the door to a numinous beginning, to the divine origin inherent in human existence.

At the very heart of this process lies the individual’s ability to engage in a dialogue with the transcendent. The creative act allows us not only to overcome the familiar and the mundane, but also to experience how new life force emerges from nothing. This powerful inner movement illuminates the path to true spiritual identity, awakening in each person the potential to realize their god-human potential. This vision encourages us to perceive creativity as a continuous transformation and renewal, where every spark of inspiration becomes a step toward new facets of being.

Thus, creativity appears to us as the true manifestation of inner freedom and strength, where a person gains the opportunity not only to create art but also to recreate life itself. This creative ascension inspires by uniting the worlds of the phenomenal and the transcendent, reminding us that each of us is capable of rising above the mundane to touch the lofty realms of spirituality and become the creator of our own existence.

How does the philosopher understand the significance of creative ascension in the context of personal spiritual development?
The philosopher regards creative ascension as an intrinsic manifestation of inner freedom, linking a person with a higher reality – the god-human origin. In his view, the creative act is not merely a function of the mind or an aesthetic capability but a profound internal process in which a person engages in a dialogue with the transcendent. This ascension is expressed in the individual’s ability to overcome the mundane, step beyond the confines of the material world, and, so to speak, connect with the numinous beginning.

Thus, for the philosopher, creative ascension is a manifestation of freedom; it is a force from which a new life energy and a new power of being emerge, not dependent on what existed before but arising "from nothing." It is precisely this process that enables a person to attain true spiritual identity and realize their god-human potential.

Supporting citation(s):
"Human creativity is not only human, it is god-human. In this lies the mystery of creativity. And the creative act is like the connection between the numinous and the phenomenal world, a departure from the confines of the phenomenal world, an ecstasy, a transcendental experience." (source: link )

"In spiritual understanding everything takes on a creative character. I have said many times that the spirit is not being, the spirit is freedom, the spirit is the creative act that takes place deep within – what is now called Existenz." (source: link )