The Synthesis of Existence: Merging Personal Aspiration with Societal Values
Man exists not simply as a biological entity, but embodies his essence through bold and conscious self-determination, where personal aspirations are inseparable from societal ethical guidelines. At the very beginning of life, the mere fact of being transforms into profound existential experience as inner energy and aspirations set the direction, infusing everyday existence with meaning. This transition demands not only the search for individual values but also a confident dialogue with social norms, where morality and ethics serve as the foundation for forming an authentically human experience. Under life’s trials, it is precisely the ability of a person to integrate inner ideals with collective standards that creates the unique integrity bestowing true meaning upon life. Thus, true vitality is born where personal drama and social consciousness merge, turning each moment into a magnificent masterpiece of existence.How can one comprehend the meaning of human existence in the context of personal and societal values?The central idea is that understanding the meaning of human existence requires perceiving life as a transition from mere factual biological life to a meaning-filled existential state, where personal self-determination and social (particularly ethical) values form an inseparable unity.Firstly, the meaning of human life is formed by transforming pure existence into an existence imbued with something more than the mere fact of being. As stated in one source, "The content of existence, which transforms pure existence into an existence and thus makes it valuable, is concentrated and exhausted in meaning. Meaning is what constitutes the value of existence, what liberates it from the forms of mere existence, making it truly human..." (source: link ).Secondly, a person’s vitality, as an individual subject, directly depends on how well they can infuse their life with deep meaning, overcoming hardships as personal values emerge within their subjective "I." It follows that the absence of meaning leads to a loss of the authenticity of human being. This is elaborated in the continuation of the same source: "A person can live only a life filled with meaning. When there is no meaning in life, it becomes arduous for the person... and it ceases to be ontologically human, thus becoming unworthy of a human being and consequently—unbearable" (source: link ).Additionally, personal existence cannot be understood apart from societal principles and values. As noted, "Personal (individual or collective) and supra-personal values represent pre-personal values, characterized by their inherent givenness to the human 'I'. This givenness possesses its own hierarchy, depending on how closely the given impulses align with my 'I'" (source: link ). This underlines that personal values, which stem from the very nature of an individual, must harmoniously blend with society, where ethics and morality act as guiding principles. Moreover, "In the sphere of supra-personal values, there exists a kind of hierarchy: ethical values are given precedence over cognitive and aesthetic values" (source: link ). This means that it is through the lens of societal norms and ethical standards that personal existence acquires the depth and direction determining its meaning.Thus, one can understand the meaning of existence by deeply integrating personal self-determination with societal (ethical and moral) values: by developing and transforming one’s inner aspirations while engaging in dialogue with the higher values of society, a person transforms their being into a genuine, meaning-filled existence.Supporting citation(s):"The content of existence, which transforms pure existence into an existence and thereby makes it valuable, is centered and exhausted in meaning. Meaning is what constitutes the value of existence, which liberates it from the forms of pure existence, making it truly human..." (source: link )"A person can live only a life filled with meaning. When there is no meaning in life, it becomes arduous for the person... and it ceases to be ontologically human, thus becoming unworthy of a human being and consequently—unbearable" (source: link )"Personal (individual or collective) and supra-personal values represent pre-personal values, characterized by their inherent givenness to the human 'I'. This givenness possesses its own hierarchy, depending on how closely the given impulses align with my 'I'" (source: link )"In the sphere of supra-personal values, there exists a kind of hierarchy: ethical values are given precedence over cognitive and aesthetic values" (source: link )