Overcoming Internal Complexes: Unlocking True Potential

Complexes can become real obstacles on the road to success and self-realization. When the inner need for love and approval is suppressed, it can lead not only to constant emotional conflict but also to a distorted assessment of one’s own capabilities. A person, when struggling with inner complexes, often starts to avoid solving the problem, which only worsens the situation. Instead of actively engaging in self-discovery, they become trapped in a vicious cycle of insecurity, negatively affecting both personal growth and professional development. Liberating oneself from these internal limitations helps maintain clarity of thought and self-confidence—qualities that are essential for achieving success in today’s rapidly changing world.

How does the presence or absence of complexes affect a person's life success and self-realization?
The existence of complexes can be a significant barrier to life successes and self-realization. When a person experiences a suppressed need for love and approval, it can manifest into tangible complexes that, in turn, undermine the objectivity of their self-evaluation regarding actions and abilities. As noted in one of the materials, if the natural need to be loved is suppressed, it essentially “turns into monstrous complexes,” leading to constant inner conflict and contradictory emotional states (source: link ).

Moreover, the presence of such complexes can cause a person to begin avoiding the resolution of their imperfections. One statement remarks: “Instead of fighting the imperfection, we try to run away from it (or from ourselves!) and... remain in it, dooming ourselves to a wretched eternity of dying. We limit ourselves,” which indicates how inner conflict and avoidance of self-discovery restrict personal development and hinder the achievement of goals in various spheres of life (source: link ).

Thus, the presence of complexes can impair the objective assessment of one's abilities, contribute to fluctuations in self-respect, and subsequently limit both professional and personal development. In contrast, their absence allows a person to maintain clarity of thought and self-confidence, which ultimately is a crucial component for successful self-realization in a dynamically evolving world.

Supporting citation(s):
"Psychologists are now discovering that the need for someone's love is one of the most essential for a person... if it is suppressed, it turns into monstrous complexes." (source: link )
"Instead of fighting the imperfection, we try to run away from it (or from ourselves!) and... remain in it, dooming ourselves to a wretched eternity of dying. We limit ourselves." (source: link )