Faith: Empowering the Spirit Against Fate
In a world where many tend to view fate as an unchangeable sentence, faith opens up a completely different horizon for a person. Instead of allowing inaction to become a way of life, inner conviction helps one see challenges not as unavoidable blows from fate but as opportunities for personal growth and active self-improvement.By participating in the divine plan, a person gains the courage to reject a submissive acceptance of circumstances. Faith becomes that inner support which not only allows one to humbly accept trials, but also to direct efforts toward overcoming any of life’s adversities. This approach transforms life into a dynamic process, where every step is a conscious contribution to the future, and overcoming difficulties becomes a victory of spirit over the seemingly inevitable decree of fate.Abandoning this inner resource deprives a person not only of the capacity for self-improvement but also of the opportunity to experience true grace, for fate cannot be altered when it is seen as something fixed. In contrast, faith provides the strength to actively influence the course of one’s life, channeling all available resources toward achieving what is most important, which undoubtedly leads to the fulfillment of the divine plan within each of us.How does faith—or its absence—affect our perception of our destiny and what we might deserve if we turn away from God?Faith shapes our understanding of fate, offering the possibility not to submit to the grim notion of an inevitable sentence, but to fight against the seeming inevitability of circumstances through humility and active self-improvement within the framework of God’s plan. Without faith, a person may accept fate as something predetermined and fixed, which robs them of the drive for change and personal responsibility for their life. One source states:"Some perceive fate as a sentence: what is predestined will be, nothing can change it. By reasoning this way, a person places themselves in a submissive position and does not attempt to change anything. This is a state of servitude, a desire to let one’s life depend on that which, in reality, it does not depend on. Nowadays, astrological interests are widespread, and people believe that their fate is determined by the movements of the planets, the world of the stars. Many people rely solely on themselves or on a patron... Yet the divine plan operates in humanity’s life regardless of whether people perceive it or not." (source: link )Thus, turning away from God results in the loss of the opportunity to experience grace because it reinforces the idea that everything is predestined and that one cannot change the course of events. On the contrary, with sincere faith, a person not only learns to accept their fate but also actively directs their energies, as noted in the following excerpt:"But he maintained an unshaken meekness amid these hardships; he defied fate. And he conquered it. A Christian conquers fate. Not absolutely: he does not change the color of his eyes nor the type of his temperament, but he directs everything he has, including cosmic influences, towards what is truly important." (source: link )This shows that faith not only helps one to see fate not as an inevitable sentence but also grants the ability to harness one’s strengths to overcome life’s challenges. Conversely, if a person turns away from God, they lose this inner resource for self-improvement and accountability for their life, which, in the light of God’s plan, may result in them not deserving grace and salvation, remaining in a state of passive acceptance of what is predetermined by external circumstances.Supporting citation(s):"Some perceive fate as a sentence: what is predestined will be, nothing can change it..." (source: link ) "But he maintained an unshaken meekness amid these hardships; he defied fate. And he conquered it. A Christian conquers fate..." (source: link )