The Cost of Pretense: Unraveling the Duality of Self
Remaining in a state of pretense for an extended period, when a person is forced to play someone else's role, can lead to profound changes in their self-identity. By entering into this game, an individual gradually loses touch with their true essence and begins living in a gap between the external image and the inner self. This internal conflict gives rise to a “double” — an unconscious companion that acts independently and undermines control over one’s own being.The desperate pressure from one’s social surroundings and cultural expectations exacerbates this process, and in an effort to conform to external standards, an individual loses the ability to truly recognize their own feelings and needs. As a result, prolonged role-playing not only distorts self-perception but also destroys inner integrity, depriving the person of the ability to be genuine in relationships with themselves and the world around them.The final note is the necessity to reconsider personal boundaries and re-evaluate one’s identity in order to restore lost integrity and reestablish the natural connection between the inner and outer self.How does prolonged pretense affect a person’s self-identity and inner essence? Prolonged pretense can have a deeply destructive impact on a person’s self-identity and inner essence, leading to a split in personality and the gradual destruction of the genuine inner self. In particular, when a person is forced to play a specific role or wear a mask for an extended period, their inner world begins to suffer: sincerity is lost, and true individuality is displaced by artificial images. This is also manifested in the formation of a “double” that exists in parallel but does not obey the person's will, creating a conflict between external display and inner essence.Such the influence of pretense is further exacerbated by social and cultural mechanisms, wherein external pressure alters the way a person perceives themselves and interacts with the surrounding world. As a result, prolonged external role-playing can lead not only to a split in personality, but also to the destruction of the ability to accurately assess one’s true feelings and needs.Supporting citation(s):"Concept of the 'double' – an inner entity that exists alongside yet independent from a person's will, functioning autonomously – is a vivid example of how prolonged pretense can lead to a split personality and destroy the inner essence." (source: внутренний_двойник_и_самоидентификация.txt)"Interpreting this topic reveals that the profound influence of pretense and role-playing on a person's inner essence and self-identity permeates multiple cultural and social layers. It is important to understand that the external world significantly influences our self-perception and psychological resilience." (source: современная_психология_влияние.txt)