Embracing the New Day: Harnessing Willpower

Upon waking up, you often encounter the temptation to return to the embrace of sleep when comfort and laziness call you to lie down a little longer. However, it is important to remember: it is precisely in these moments that our willpower is forged and our self-control strengthened. Instead of succumbing to the immediate urge to stop, continue sleeping, and postpone your tasks, it is better to take a decisive step toward a new day. It is through prayer and active awakening that we learn to manage our impulses and remain true to the discipline that helps us achieve our life goals. This approach not only helps overcome initial fatigue but also creates a solid foundation for future accomplishments, filling us with energy and confidence in our own abilities. Thus, choose consistency, for every morning unveils new opportunities for growth and personal victories.

In what situations should you exhibit patience as sleep fades away?

The main advice on showing patience when the desire to return to sleep arises is contained in one passage. It states that if the temptation to continue sleeping appears, you should not give in to that desire; rather, you should get up and turn to prayer. It is expressed as follows:
"Feel like sleeping? No, don’t sleep, get up, pray. Don’t want to get out of bed immediately after waking up, want to lie down? No, endure it, get up." (source: link )

Thus, when the feeling of sleepiness intrudes after waking or during transitional moments, it is exactly in such situations that patience must prevail. It is essential to persist on the path to the start of a new day, despite the desire to relax, in order to reinforce discipline and prevent an immediate return to sleep.

Supporting citation(s):
"Feel like sleeping? No, don’t sleep, get up, pray. Don’t want to get out of bed immediately after waking up, want to lie down? No, endure it, get up." (source: link )