Celestial Conflict: Preserving Divine Beauty
In a world where beauty is perceived as an objective reflection of the divine principle, the destruction of harmony becomes the manifestation of dark forces and a deviation from the sacred order. Our perception of the beautiful is not merely a product of the imagination—it attests to the presence of a higher spiritual energy, and its annihilation embodies the forces of sin and estrangement from God. These acts are not random destructions but a deliberate struggle between light and darkness, where evil strives to undermine the divine plan by disrupting the natural balance of beauty and harmony.At the root of these conflicts lies the confrontation between worldviews in which art can serve as both a vessel of sublimity and a space for distortion. Dark ideologies, operating through specially organized groups under the leadership of charismatic figures, deliberately target the foundations of society. They mobilize their followers, devising plans of destruction aimed at striking at the spiritual and cultural values that epitomize the highest ideals.In concluding this examination of the issue, it is important to emphasize that the conflict between good and evil remains an inherent part of human existence. By recognizing the significance of beauty as an emanation of the divine, we can resist destructive tendencies while striving to preserve and elevate the spiritual and cultural values of our world.Why do some seek to destroy beauty and harmony, and who might be the initiators of such actions?According to the presented materials, some people strive to destroy beauty and harmony because their actions are rooted in a confrontation with dark forces and a distorted worldview that opposes the divine order. On one hand, beauty is portrayed as an objective given, reflecting the presence of the divine principle, and its destruction is seen as the manifestation of a satanic origin—the result of turning away from God and sin. As stated in one of the sources:"However, beauty is not only a 'psychological concept' but also an objective given, for it is a real emanation and reflection of the divine principle. In the world, beauty is opposed by ugliness, deformity—that is, the satanic origin, the result of sin and the falling away from God. Art can serve either as a vessel of beauty or as a container for ugliness. In the former case, we are dealing with religious art that expresses the divine principle." (source: link )This quotation shows that the destruction of beauty is not a mere whim but a deliberate act rooted in the struggle between good and evil. Another source describes this conflict by indicating that evil is continually trying to destroy the divine plan, which is embodied in the world of beauty and harmony:"The forces of good far exceed the capabilities of evil. The cause of all earthly discord is that evil—pure evil—battles with good, attempting to destroy the providential divine arrangement of the world, which, by God's grace, is meant to culminate in the complete eradication of sins and passions. And if man, revered by the Lord above all earthly creatures and endowed with godlike freedom—the freedom of moral choice—did not abuse it by arbitrarily succumbing to the temptations of evil, there would be no room in the world for dark forces or space for their actions on Earth." (source: link )As for the initiators of such destructive actions, this refers to individuals involved in certain organizations who