Historical Focus Over Economic and Geographic Details
Based on the provided quotes, nothing is mentioned regarding the cost of the original copies of the Quran or the countries where they might be located. All available references are dedicated to the issues of text formation, its transmission, and variations in historical manuscripts, but they do not cover the economic aspects, such as price, or the geographical distribution of the original copies.Supporting citation(s):"During Muhammad's lifetime, his followers recorded the Quran on various materials: pieces of wood, flat stones, palm leaves. Much of what is included in the Quran is a reconstruction of the memories of Muhammad's followers..." (source: link , page: 1336)"Some parts of it were recorded in Arabic on animal bones, palm leaves, stones, fabric. Not all scribes, however, approached their work with responsibility. There were those who deliberately distorted the text of the Quran... In 651, by order of Caliph Uthman, the version of the Quran was compiled, and it is this version that prevails in the modern Islamic world." (source: link , page: 1054)These quotes focus on the historical-critical aspects of the Quran's formation, hence the lack of information regarding the value of originals or their distribution across different countries.