Worship of Technology: Modern Rituals and Beliefs

Indeed, in modern times there are new religious movements and cults that attribute an almost sacred significance to technology – they do not perceive it merely as a tool to improve life but imbue it with spiritual symbolism and incorporate it into rituals. These movements exist at the intersection of traditional beliefs and high technology and, in a sense, echo the idea of technology worship, although they do not exactly replicate the fictional cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

For example, as noted in one source:
"These ideas come alive in the minds of some contemporary religious movements that stand at the crossroads of traditional beliefs and high technology. Some of these movements consider technology not only as tools for enhancing life but also as spiritual entities with which one can interact through special rituals and ceremonies." (source: 1005_5022.txt)

There is also evidence regarding cults inclined towards occult and esoteric teachings in which technology becomes sacred objects and symbols, capable of establishing contact with unseen energies:
"Cults that lean towards occult and esoteric teachings sometimes turn to technology as sacred objects and tools for contacting higher forces. This may include the use of various technical devices, symbolizing their belief in the existence of unseen energies and spiritual entities." (source: 1194_5968.txt)

Finally, it should be noted that historically and in modern times, technology occupies a special place in culture and worldviews, which has led to the emergence of movements that bestow it with a sacred status:
"Throughout human history, technology has always occupied a high place in various cultures and beliefs. Even in ancient times, achievements such as the wheel, metallurgy, or construction held significant importance and were often associated with divine wisdom and powers. Today, high technologies can be perceived as some kind of 'sacred' forces that change and transform the world, and this phenomenon is receiving attention in new religious movements." (source: 70_346.txt)

Thus, although actual cults and religious movements that revere technology are not an exact copy of the fictional religion of the Adeptus Mechanicus, they demonstrate a similar tendency – the use of symbolism and rituals associated with high technology as a key element of their worldview.

Supporting citation(s):
"These ideas come alive in the minds of some contemporary religious movements that stand at the crossroads of traditional beliefs and high technology. Some of these movements consider technology not only as tools for enhancing life but also as spiritual entities with which one can interact through special rituals and ceremonies." (source: 1005_5022.txt)

"Cults that lean towards occult and esoteric teachings sometimes turn to technology as sacred objects and tools for contacting higher forces. This may include the use of various technical devices, symbolizing their belief in the existence of unseen energies and spiritual entities." (source: 1194_5968.txt)

"Throughout human history, technology has always occupied a high place in various cultures and beliefs. Even in ancient times, achievements such as the wheel, metallurgy, or construction held significant importance and were often associated with divine wisdom and powers. Today, high technologies can be perceived as some kind of 'sacred' forces that change and transform the world, and this phenomenon is receiving attention in new religious movements." (source: 70_346.txt)