Taming Negative Thoughts
Each of us faces negative thoughts like unexpected guests, flying in like birds into our inner space. Instead of trying to completely eliminate them, it is more important to immediately orient ourselves and drive them away before they have a chance to take root and intensify our discomfort. Recognizing the inevitability of negative impulses and instantly restoring balance is the key to emotional freedom and harmony. This approach is reminiscent of ancient wisdom: while negativity cannot be completely banned, one can learn to effectively neutralize its appearance by "chasing it away" as soon as it touches our consciousness. This method not only prevents negative thoughts from mixing with other emotions but also helps maintain clarity and energy for positive endeavors. Timely reaction and active management of internal states not only prevent the intensification of negative feelings but also channel our energy toward creating a brighter, more fulfilling emotional experience.How can one cope with negative thoughts if attempts to eliminate negativity through clothing and music do not yield the desired effect?One can manage negative thoughts by accepting that it is impossible to completely prevent them and, more importantly, by reacting quickly to their appearance and driving them away so they do not seize control of our inner state. It is essential to understand that, just as birds cannot be forbidden from landing near our home, they can be vigorously chased away as soon as they appear. One source advises this approach:"‘Can you make it so that birds never land?’ “No,” answered the young monk. “But can you drive them away once they land?” “I can.” “Likewise, you cannot forbid thoughts from coming, but when they appear—you can drive them away. Do that constantly.”" (source: 10_48.txt, page: 499)Furthermore, if negative thoughts are allowed to penetrate deeper, they may gain full force and become hard to discard. One source emphasizes that negative thoughts must be removed immediately since their further penetration can lead to increased discomfort:"Negative thoughts are everything; they need to be discarded immediately. If they penetrate the heart, seize the feelings, and mix with them, they become much more dangerous" (source: 1390_6949.txt, page: 390).Thus, to deal with negative thoughts, it is recommended to:1. Recognize that their appearance is inevitable and not attempt to eliminate them completely as soon as they occur.2. Actively drive them away immediately as soon as a negative thought arises, preventing its development.3. Prevent the merging of negative thoughts with other emotions, which can lead to worsening emotional states.This approach helps avoid fueling negativity and, over time, will preserve inner balance and reduce the negative impact on one's personal state.