Spiritual Integrity Beyond Political Divides
In a world where political struggle often overshadows true values, the genuine “halalness” of a person is defined by their ability to submit to the highest spiritual truth. The modern challenge lies in freeing oneself from the influence of political labels and selfish passions in order to achieve inner harmony with an objective, superhuman truth. At the heart of this approach is the rejection of authoritarian and aggressive instincts, replaced by a deep spiritual self-awareness that refuses to embrace extremes in political matters.The path to genuine freedom begins with understanding that politicians and personal ambitions cannot serve as criteria for moral guidance. A person who can place higher spiritual goals above temporal passions demonstrates true adherence to halal norms. This approach not only liberates an individual from the pressure of external labels but also opens the door to a profound spiritual response against domination and division.Each of us has the opportunity to take a step towards this inner freedom by changing our worldview and overcoming political limitations. True strength lies in understanding the depth of our soul and in renouncing turbulent passions in favor of eternal truth.How is a person's compliance with halal norms determined and applied in practice?The answer is based on the idea that compliance with halal norms is defined by an individual’s ability to submit to the highest spiritual truth while remaining free from the influence of political biases and self-serving passions. In this context, as the citation illustrates, the true value and "halalness" of a person is measured not by belonging to any political group or extreme (whether on the right or the left), but by the inner capacity to forsake authoritarian and aggressive instincts in favor of submitting to an objective, superhuman truth. In practice, this criterion means that politics and personal ambitious pursuits should not dictate moral guidelines or assessments; rather, one should pursue higher spiritual goals, ensuring adherence to halal norms.Supporting citation(s):"Truth does not recognize the categories of 'right' and 'left,' and it does not condone the malicious instincts that flare up around these labels. A great spiritual response against the power and domination of politics, against the lust for political authority, and against the fury of political passions must take place in the world. Politics should take its subordinate, secondary place; it must cease to define the criteria of good and evil, and it must surrender to the spirit and spiritual objectives." (source: link )