Kiss: A Ritual of Unity and Individuality
In every kiss lies not only the thrill of passionate love but also a deep emotional connection that allows two people to remain true to their individuality while simultaneously striving for unity. This intimate ritual helps to distinguish the nuances of love—from tender attachment to intense infatuation—demonstrating that true union occurs on the level of the soul and emotions. In the moment when hearts meet, a personal encounter takes place in which each person retains their uniqueness while entering into a symbiosis with the other, as if together creating something greater than the sum of two individuals. This magic of the kiss underscores the importance of mutual acknowledgment and profound understanding, transforming a simple gesture into a symbol of an eternal quest for unity and self-sufficient love.
What can a kiss symbolize in interpersonal relationships, and what emotional or social messages does it convey?In interpersonal relationships, a kiss can symbolize the deep emotional fusion of two people—a special encounter where each maintains their individuality while also striving to become one with the other. This act is not merely an expression of passion but a ritual that differentiates the types of love: it can display both tender attachment and intense infatuation, highlighting the differences between ordinary fondness and more passionate feelings. A kiss conveys a message of mutual acknowledgment, emphasizing that true union happens on the level of soul and emotions, when people learn about each other deeply while remaining themselves.
Supporting citation(s):
"In this unity, the intermingling of types of love is evidenced by the fact that almost always and everywhere they are expressed through a kiss. Today in England, friends do not kiss, yet lovers and those deeply attached to one another preserve this custom. They maintain it so faithfully that one wouldn’t say who borrowed it from whom, or whether any borrowing occurred at all. Of course, the kiss of infatuation is not the same as the kiss of attachment; however, lovers do not always kiss 'passionately'." (source: link )
Supporting citation(s):
"What does 'to kiss' mean? It means to become whole, that is, we desire to become one with God while remaining ourselves. Look, in a kiss a person remains human, yet becomes one with the one they kiss. Here, there is not a dissolution of one personality into another, but rather a personal encounter in which one person truly gets to know another." (source: link )