The Dual Journey of Rebirth
Imagine a life where a single moment becomes the starting point not only in the material world but also opens the gates to the depths of the soul. Physical birth marks the beginning of existence in the flesh, yet the true magic occurs when an inner awakening takes place—a spiritual birth that allows one to understand their true essence. In this process, the physical beginning is seen merely as a symbol or shadow of a more significant, profound renewal. It is through the awareness of the difference between these two levels that our individual birth transforms into a fascinating journey, where every minute is filled with strength, a yearning for knowledge, and a movement toward the higher truths of human existence. This is a concept that delves deep into philosophy while simultaneously inspiring us towards daily accomplishments and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.How should one correctly understand the concept of the “twice-born” in the context of Sanskrit terminology? The concept of the “twice-born” in Sanskrit terminology can be understood as indicating two levels of birth: the first—physical, and the second—spiritual. In other words, physical birth represents the beginning of life in the material world, while spiritual birth reflects an inner awakening, the onset of the awareness of one’s true essence, and the transition to a higher level of being. According to this idea, physical birth serves merely as a symbol or shadow of the true spiritual birth, which paves the way for the understanding of deeper truths of human existence.Supporting citation(s):"Know, educated ones, that bodily birth is only the shadow or symbol of the birth of the spirit. It is enough for you, Christ-bearers, to know that our Messiah and Savior is not death from death, not darkness from darkness, not decay from decay." (source: link , page: 120-121)