Mind's Mirror: How Cognitive Filters Shape Reality
When analyzing the psychological and cognitive factors that can contribute to blurring the boundaries between what is perceived as objective reality and our subjective experience, several aspects can be highlighted.Firstly, pre-established attitudes and thought patterns play a significant role in how we evaluate new information. As noted in one source, "This is due to the fact that we assess new information through the prism of pre-existing attitudes, as if through a kind of filter that discards what does not align with our already formed perceptions. As we can see, the established attitudes of people are capable of 'influencing cognitive processes', turning a 'seeing' person into a 'blind' one" (source: link txt). In other words, beliefs and past experiences can distort the purity of our perception of the world, creating subjective images that do not always match the objective traits of reality.Secondly, an integral part of our cognitive makeup is structured perception, which is intertwined with the characteristics of our bodily experience. In fact, the world as we see it is created not as a direct reflection of reality, but through the prism of our internal bodily constructs. This is confirmed by the statement: "Man perceives the world not randomly, but structurally; that is, the influences of the surrounding world enter through certain channels, specific sites of bodily organization" (source: link txt), as well as the idea that "the image of the world in our consciousness is not a reflection of reality, as communists and materialists claimed. In fact, reflecting reality in a mental image is a mistake" (source: link txt).Furthermore, the perception of the world can be influenced by ideological and cultural frameworks, which form a specific picture of reality. For example, the differences in imagistic versus conceptual perception of the same elements of the environment (as in the case of the ability to distinguish shades or qualities) show that personal experience, professional affiliation, and social status can significantly modify one's image of the world. This is further explained in a source that notes: "The basis of beliefs and ideological directions can significantly alter the perception of the world. These differences occur among people of different professions, classes, and views, leading to the formation of a different picture of the world" (source: link txt).Thus, the blurring of boundaries between subjective perception and objective reality is often dictated by the fact that new stimuli and data are constantly processed through pre-formed cognitive filters and attitudes, as well as through the structural specifics of our perception, which leads to the "mixing" of objective traits of reality with personal expectations, experiences, and ideologies.Supporting citation(s):"Это обусловлено тем, что мы оцениваем новую информацию сквозь призму уже имеющихся установок, как сквозь своеобразный фильтр, который отбрасывает то, что не согласуется с уже сложившимися представлениями. Как видим, имеющиеся у людей установки способны 'влиять на познавательные процессы', превращая 'зрячего' в 'слепого'" (source: link txt)"Человек воспринимает мир не просто так, а структурно, т.е. воздействия окружающего мира ложатся в определенные каналы, места телесной организации" (source: link txt)"Образ мира в нашем сознании - это не отражение реальности, как говорили коммунисты и материалисты. Как раз отражение реальности в психическом образе - это ошибка" (source: link txt)"Основание верований и идеологических направлений может существенно изменять восприятие мира. Эти различия происходят среди людей разных профессий, классов и воззрений, приводя к образованию иной картины мира" (source: link txt)