Divine Miracles: Manifestations of God’s Mercy
A modern perspective on the miraculous opens before us an enchanting picture of divine presence that manifests through supernatural phenomena and transforms the lives of believers. Observing visions, divine revelations, and miraculous healings, we understand that these events are not accidental but carefully arranged signs of divine mercy meant to comfort, instruct, and purify the soul. Among the stories passed down through the centuries, accounts of miracles testify that illness is not the Creator’s design but merely a temporary trial that can be overcome by a touch or a word capable of restoring health and reviving life. Similar effects have been noted in instances where, through prayer and faith, miracles occurred that revived those whom this world had already forsaken and transformed the ordinary into something astonishing and mystical. The apostles and saints, affirming their mission through unparalleled wonders, seem to demonstrate the power of higher forces that permeate every life, offering hope and renewal. In concluding this dynamic narrative, one can confidently say that all these symbolic phenomena not only underscore the greatness and care of God but also continue to inspire us to seek the depths where faith and wonder merge into a unified outpouring of the soul.
What arguments and evidence (for example, visions of saints and miraculous healings) are presented to substantiate the existence of God?In several of the testimonies provided, the divine presence is established through manifestations of the supernatural, demonstrating both direct intervention in a person’s life and a particular order of revelation for the chosen. It is noted that visions, revelations, and miracles of healing arise “by God’s mercy toward people,” serving various purposes—whether for consolation, instruction, or the purification of both the heart and the body. For example, one source states:"QUESTION. What is the cause of visions (spiritual) and revelations: ... First of all, all of this is arranged by God’s mercy toward people; and in most cases, this is arranged for three kinds of people – either for simple and extremely kind individuals, or for some perfect and holy ones, or for those who possess a burning zeal for God..." (source: link txt)Regarding miraculous healings, it is argued that physical illness is not God’s design, since the Creator made man healthy. The argument is made that even the touch or word of Jesus can heal, enabling a person to encounter grace and restored health:"Illness in no way is the Creator’s design. ... In passing through illness, one sometimes goes deeper... The coming of Jesus into this world is healing in the literal sense of the word. He is the Creator of all that exists, and the Creator made the world and man healthy. Therefore, with a single touch, with just one word, He can make a person healthy." (source: link txt)Moreover, testimonies of miracles even describe cases of resurrection and transformation. For instance, one story recounts that in a house where people prayed, the dead returned to life and the presence of angels provided healing and met the needs of the people:"In that house where they prayed, the dead returned to life and a perfect peace was established there. When they came to Egypt, they alleviated its hunger. When they approached the senseless sea, they enlightened it with a staff. When they entered the wild desert, they illuminated it with a pillar..." (source: link txt)It is also noted that the miracle-working apostles, as even their opponents mentioned, affirmed their mission precisely through the miraculous deeds they performed—wonders that cannot be reproduced by artificial means:"The apostles also performed miracles, as the Jews stated. ... No one can, for example, raise the dead – because only the Creator can raise the dead..." (source: link txt)Additionally, there are accounts of visions of saints, where, through a heightened spiritual state and purification of the soul, unutterable mysteries of the divine are revealed and the grace of the Holy Spirit manifests. For instance, a vision of an infant accompanied by miracles in a temple attests to direct contact with higher powers:"When I said this, the body I held in my hand became bread, and, having thanked God, I received the holy prosphora. ... I saw that again the roof of the church opened and divine Forces ascended to heaven." (source: link txt)Finally, several texts emphasize that such phenomena as visions and miraculous healings occur not by chance, but in strict accordance with God’s will and purpose—for the purification, instruction, and salvation of people, either through personal encounters with divine grace or through miracles that confirm the Creator’s power.Supporting citation(s):"QUESTION. What is the cause of visions (spiritual) and revelations: ... all of this is arranged by God’s mercy toward people..." (source: link txt) "Illness in no way is the Creator’s design. ... with just one touch, with just one word, He can make a person healthy." (source: link txt) "In that house where they prayed, the dead returned to life and a perfect peace was established there. When they came to Egypt, they alleviated its hunger..." (source: link txt) "The apostles also performed miracles, ... No one can, for example, raise the dead..." (source: link txt) "When I said this, the body I held in my hand became bread, and, having thanked God, I received the holy prosphora. ... I saw that again the roof of the church opened and divine Forces ascended to heaven." (source: link txt)Thus, the arguments and evidence supporting the existence of God are founded upon a series of miraculous manifestations—visions, healings, resurrections, and other supernatural events—which are interpreted as direct signs of divine mercy and power.