Embracing the Divine Journey: A Guide to Thoughtful Bible Reading
Begin your acquaintance with the Bible with a lively and dynamic reading of the Gospel, because these very books reveal the essence of life and the teachings of Jesus Christ. This approach allows you to immediately feel the spiritual energy and build a foundation for further exploration, making your search for meaning both intentional and inspiring. It is often advised to start with a general overview by reading the texts in simple, accessible language – for example, through adapted versions like the Children's Bible – so that you can experience the warmth and immediacy of the presentation.At the same time, maintaining a sequential approach in studying the sacred texts is very important. Experienced readers emphasize that the entire Scripture should not be consumed in one sitting, as if it were one large dish. It is better to gradually return to what has been read, thoughtfully studying each chapter and allowing yourself to delve into the subtleties of ancient words and symbols. After your first encounter, it is recommended to reopen the text, reading one or two chapters a day and reflecting on the profound meaning of its message. This methodical approach, where the Gospel becomes the key to understanding not only the New Testament but also the Old Testament, along with the laws and the writings of the Church Fathers, helps you acquire a comprehensive view and connect all aspects of spiritual knowledge.Such systematic and deliberate Bible reading allows you not merely to acquaint yourself with religious texts but, quite literally, to immerse yourself in the experiences and wisdom accumulated over millennia. It is not a rushed marathon, but an engaging and multifaceted journey where every commandment and every word matters, serving as part of the grand mosaic of God’s Revelation. May your spiritual path be deep, rich, and ever-opening new horizons of knowledge and faith!
Where is the best place to start reading the Bible for a deeper understanding of its teachings?For a deep understanding of the Bible’s teachings, many authors advise beginning with the parts that directly tell of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and then, as your understanding grows, moving on to study the rest of the Scripture. For example, one source recommends:"Obtain the Holy Scripture and read the New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, having read it completely the first time, open it again from the beginning and each day read one to two chapters—not in a hurry, but carefully, reflecting on what you have read and striving to grasp the meaning embedded in the text of Divine Revelation. A modern person may start their encounter with the Holy Scripture by reading the Children's Bible, in which the entire story of the relationship between God and man is presented in simple, accessible language; the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ and His teaching about the Kingdom of God are described briefly and clearly. It is also advisable to obtain and read the 'Law of God', a book in which the fundamentals of doctrine are explained, including God’s commandments, the main prayers, and the rules for conducting worship in the temple. Additionally, begin reading the works of the Church Fathers, which form a treasury of spiritual wisdom." (source: link txt)It is also noted how important it is to maintain sequence in the study of Scripture. One should not attempt to study it "in one go" from the first to the last word, as many sections contain complex aspects that require revisiting and thoughtful reflection. In one comment, it is stated:"The Gospel should be read daily, but the Old Testament is that important, necessary, indispensable part without which we cannot understand the New Testament. Few people in the world have read the entire Bible—from 'alpha' to 'omega'. And that is understandable: there are difficult passages that you need to return to. This can be compared to a fish dish that we do not eat entirely at once, but rather set aside the bones. You wouldn’t throw away the entire dish. Certainly, you will eat it gradually and carefully, figuring out what is what. So is the Holy Scripture. One cannot say, 'I will study everything at once; I will start with the first Book of Moses and finish with the Revelation of John the Theologian.'" (source: link txt)Thus, it is beneficial to start with the Gospel (that is, the New Testament), possibly using an adapted version (for example, the Children's Bible) to build a basic understanding, and then gradually expand your reading to include the study of the Old Testament and other important books such as the 'Law of God' and the writings of the Church Fathers. This approach not only helps you grasp the main ideas and teachings but also encourages you to delve into the spiritual context, discovering new facets of understanding each time you return to the text.